Siti Kasim berates Malaysia opening doors to radical Brit Muslim to give talk at Bangsar Mosque

SOCIAL activist and lawyer Siti Kasim has expressed great reservation against Malaysia welcoming with open arms British-born preacher of Egyptian descent, Mohammed Hijab, whom she deemed as “extremist” into the country.

Born Mohamad Nabil Hegab, the 32-year-old debater and public speaker who engages in discussions and polemics on a wide variety of topics including religion, politics and society is slated to address “Fron Logic to Faith: Tracing the Truth of Islam” at the Saidina Abu Bakar As-Siddiq Mosque in Bangsar, Kuala Lumpur on June 22.

“Why is this extremist invited into Malaysia? These are the types of people our government welcomes” lambasted the vocal human rights lawyer in her latest Facebook post.

“He’s (Mohammed Hijab) hated in the UK and is now giving talks to Malaysians. Maybe he’ll get a PR (permanent residence status) just like ZN (fugitive Indian Muslim preacher Zakir Naik). Good lah ... bring all of them nutters and extremists here. Morons. 🙄”

Elaborating further, Siti Kasim cautioned against allowing “this type of extremists to enter Malaysia freely to further damage our already broken country”.

“If our government can harass and bar moderate Muslim academics and writers from expressing their thoughts, why are they allowing this known hater into our country?” asked the independent candidate for the Batu parliamentary constituency during the 15th General Election (GE15).

According to, Mohammed Hijab was found inciting violence against Hindus in Leicester, UK in September 2022.

In his speeches, he mocked Hinduism and provoked Muslims to attack Hindus, videos of which went viral on social media and believed to have played a role in rising Hinduphobic sentiments at the time, experts who study hate crimes said.

In May, journalist David Atherton (@DaveAtherton20) posted a video clip of Mohammed Hijab explaining his type of jihad (martyrdom) while despising the Christians and Jews.

“The reason why you have to fight them, is because they are Jews and Christians. You should fight them until they give you the Jizya (extra taxes). There is no conceivability of peace between Muslims and non-Muslims,” he opined.

More recently, a tweet which fetches 3.2 million views and 3,800 comments claimed that “a pack of rabid Muslims led by Mohammed Hijab and Ali Dawah was hunting for Jewish blood in London”. – June 13, 2024

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