Indiscriminate MPV parking sparks netizens’ ire, calls for special license

INDISCRIMINATE parking is a common grouse among Malaysian road users. This becomes especially pronounced with drivers of large vehicles such as MPVs who seem to lack the requisite parking skills to commandeer such a car.

This was highlighted in a recent post on the Meanwhile in Malaysia Facebook page with a picture of an MPV taking up two precious bays. The caption urged the driver to seek assistance if he or she was incapable of the simple manoeuvre.

The sense of irritation this image conjured among many netizens was palpable, reflecting how widespread this “disease” is.

One netizen suggested that a special category of driving license be created for such big vehicles to ensure drivers have the necessary skills to park them.

Some netizens had a simple solution when they exhorted drivers to be self-aware of their driving and parking capabilities.


Some netizens surmised that a reason why some motorists park like this is to avoid dings and dents to their precious rides, though this does not justify taking up two bays.

Another suggested that the high road tax of such vehicles may lead to this sense of entitlement among MPV owners.

One said this was a very common sight in Malaysia.

One netizen, quite rightly, pointed out that this phenomenon was not a unique Malaysian phenomenon.

Some netizens said this lack of civic attitude was reflective of the self-entitled attitude of T20 types who can afford such expensive vehicles.

Worse yet, one netizen claims to know the identity of the vehicle owner, who apparently does this all the time, prompting others ask that the errant driver be reported t the authorities.

One netizen’s crude pun quite possibly summed up the majority of views. So MPV owners, if you want to avoid being called names or have your parking (or lack thereof) skills highlighted on social media, please don’t do this. – June 30, 2024


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