MCA Youth lambasts PKR for getting cops to clamp down on “Demo Rakyat Lawan Anwar” rally

MCA Youth has hit out at PKR for losing sight of its immediate past by now resorting to filing police reports against fellow citizens for orchestrating street rallies to demand the resignation of Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim.

Referring to the police report filed by Putrajaya PKR chief Fitri Aziz against the “Demo Rakyat Lawan Anwar (Round One)” protest scheduled for June 29 in front of the PM’s official residence in Putrajaya, it claimed that PKR is suppressing citizens’ constitutional right to assembly after having come to power.

“MCA Youth urges PKR leaders to reconcile rhetoric with action and avoid alienating fellow citizens,” MCA Youth National secretary-general Saw Yee Fung pointed out in a statement.

“Under the Reformasi banner, PKR had through Pakatan Rakyat (PR) and later Pakatan Harapan (PH) repeatedly encouraged public demonstrations against the Barisan Nasional (BN) government over issues like rising fuel prices, political reforms and corruption.

“Ironically, in less than two years in power, PKR finds itself facing similar criticisms it once levied against BN.”

It is believed that following the police report lodged by PKR, rally organiser Demi Negara along with its three activists have to turn up at the Dang Wangi district police headquarters today (June 22) at 3pm to be investigated under Section 505(B) of the Penal Code and Section 233 of the Communications & Multimedia Act 1998.


The trio are social media influencer Aidil Yunus a.k.a. YB Viral, socio-politic activist and observer Siti Zulaikha Olivia (SZO) and popular 1980s artist and celebrity Dayangku Intan @ Tengku Intan Tengku Abdul Hamid.

“Demi Negara believes that the police are once again are being used as a tool to intimidate the critics of Anwar Ibrahim and the Madani government,” asserted the rally organiser in a statement.

“Demi Negara also believes that the government is employing this intimidation tactic to stop the demonstration – the first ever protest against the sitting government that is going to be held in Putrajaya – as it is going to be very detrimental to the government.”

Demi Negara added that a media conference will be held outside IPD Dang Wangi around 5pm today (June 22) to explain more about the upcoming demonstration. –  June 22, 2024

Main image credit: TV3

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