Ramasamy to Home Minister Saifuddin: Either you approve/reject Urimai’s registration or see you in court

THE United Rights of the Malaysian Party (Urimai) applied for registration from the Registrar of Societies (ROS) more than six months ago.

I think we have fulfilled all the requirements for registration but we have not heard anything from ROS which comes under purview of the Home Ministry.

If our application for Urimai’s registration did not meet the requirements, then ROS should reject our application.

It serves no purpose for ROS or the Home Ministry to maintain silence on our registration.

It looks like Urimai might have to meet the same fate of the Malaysian United Democratic Alliance (MUDA) or Parti Sosialis Malaysia (PSM).

MUDA had to seek court action to fast track its registration. PSM had to wait for 10 years before its leaders took the matter to the court. It was the court that ordered ROS to accord registration to PSM.

Does Urimai have to wait for years before the registration could be accorded? Why the delay on the part of the Home Ministry?

Are there any reasons why Urimai shouldn’t be accorded the registration? Is the delay in registration due to the fact that Urimai has taken the role of the opposition?

In a more specific sense, is it because Urimai is very critical of the Pakatan Harapan (PH)-led coalition led by Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim?

‘Urimai is just a mosquito party’

Or is it because of the fear that Urimai might influence Indians in Malaysia to move away from the PH-led coalition?

In the recent Kuala Kubu Baharu (KKB) by-election, the low Indian voters turnout and the shrinking support for the PH-led coalition proved worrisome to the government of the day.

Home Minister Datuk Seri Saifuddin Nasution Ismail (centre) making a RM20,000 contribution to a Hindu temple during a recent meet-and-greet session with Sungai Bakap Indian folks ahead of the state constituency’s by-election on July 6


There is also a worry that in the upcoming Sungai Bakap by-election, Urimai might wean away Indian voters to support the opposition.

However, if Urimai is considered a mosquito party headed by some disgruntled individuals bent on revenge with no effect on the Indians, why then the worry?

Let me take this opportunity to warn the Home Minister and the PM’s right-hand man, Datuk Seri Saifuddin Nasution Ismail, that his silence over the registration of Urimai is not an option.

If the ROS rejects the application of Urimai or keeps silent on its registration status, Urimai will pursue the necessary legal action to haul the ROS or the Home Ministry of to court.

The Madani government helmed by Anwar seems to function on the basis of rhetoric and propaganda.

If even a minimalist democratic requirement of registration is not accorded to a political party, then what kind of democracy are we talking about? – June 21, 2024


Former DAP stalwart and Penang chief minister II Prof Ramasamy Palanisamy is chairman of the United Rights of Malaysian Party (Urimai) interim council.

The views expressed are solely of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of Focus Malaysia.

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