4 tips for UM freshies from the graduate barred from speaking last week

MY name is Wong Yan Ke, a graduate of the Universiti Malaya (UM) class of 2019. I am also a former president of the UM Association of New Youth (UMANY). I apologise for using this medium to meet and talk to you all.

The incident which took place last Thursday (Oct 13) in Dewan Tunku Canselor is likely still fresh in your mind. What happened was that the UM Student Union (UMSU) had invited Prof Azmi Sharom and me to attend a discussion to start off orientation week. 

Nevertheless, when I arrived at the entrance of the hall, campus security blocked me from entering and claimed that the university had “other arrangements”. 

Afterwards, the security and UM’s Student Affairs Department assigned more people to station themselves all around to ensure that I could not enter. 

During this time, the UMSU attempted to negotiate with the university authority to let me in and speak but they were unsuccessful. 

Even though the authorities remained obstinate, UMSU refused to succumb; in defending the students’ rights to autonomy and freedom of speech, they stood by my side. 

After some struggles, the UMSU finally brought me onto the stage through the back of the hall. 

I initially expected that everything would go on smoothly from there on, but after I had spoken for less than five minutes, the authorities resorted to despicable acts again by forcefully cutting off the sound system and ushering the students back to their dorms.

It is deeply ironic that the talk I was scheduled to speak at, which was titled, Freedom of Speech on Campus, was ultimately suppressed by the top university in Malaysia.

Wong Yan Ke addresses the audience at Dewan Tunku Canselor prior to the authorities cutting off the sound system and ushering students out (Photo credit: Wong Yan Ke)

I believe that for most students, last Thursday’s commotion certainly came across as a cultural shock, others may have found it interesting and exciting while some may have been shocked and didn’t know how to react.

Even so, this was indeed an excellent opportunity to highlight the contrast between one’s expectations about their ideal university and reality.

“Our unis are not free”

Compared to other more advanced nations, our country’s universities are not free. On campus, freedom of speech is only afforded to voices favoured by the administration and does not extend to dissenters or voices of the minority. 

This is to be blamed on the source of all evils – the Universities and University Colleges Act (UUCA) 1971 and the appointment of universities’ vice-chancellors. 

The purpose of the UUCA is to repress the freedom of students to organise movements and erode the right of student councils to act autonomously, while university vice-chancellors in Malaysia are appointed by the Education Ministry instead of through a democratic process involving scholars and academic personnel. 

The combination of these factors is what caused Thursday’s absurd incident, in which the university authorities, who were so displeased with the guest speaker invited by the student council, so heedlessly cut off the audio system and thus ended the academic forum. 

They even threatened to take disciplinary action against the chair of the student council.

Why is the university so afraid of a discussion about freedom of speech?

From primary school to university, Malaysia has always implemented an authoritative system of education. Students are not allowed to express criticism towards their teachers, school or the authority. 

Those who have differing opinions are labelled as “bad students” and the mistreatment they receive ranges from rejection and suppression to expulsion from campus. 

The goal is to indoctrinate students, turning them into beings who do not think independently and who are indifferent towards politics, thereby preserving the power of the ruling class.

Taking a look at history, whether it be local and overseas, students have always spearheaded social reform. Students steer society’s way of thinking, tear down old conventions, determine the new order and persuade the masses to join movements for reform. 

For instance, in 1969, UM students wrote the groundbreaking and progressive “Student Manifesto 1969”, which successfully influenced Malaysia’s voters in the third general election to refuse the Government’s two-thirds majority in Parliament. 

Meanwhile, in the US, students actively participate in democratic movements to pursue equality and put an end to racial segregation through non-violent civil disobedience.

What UM truly fears is not me, but the consciousness of students. They are terrified of students being exposed to new perspectives. They are terrified of students understanding their own personal rights and interests. 

They worry that students will be bold enough to think and act critically, thus threatening the interests of those in power. 

Student activists hold a sit-in protest outside the Education Ministry against then-education minister Dr Maszlee Malik’s appointment as president of a local university back in 2018 (Photo credit: Aqil Junaidi)

So, what should you do as a UM first-year?

First, think. Thinking is our most fundamental ability as humans and also the process by which we realise ourselves. Only through constant deliberation and relentless debates with ourselves can we become individuals with free will and be fully autonomous. 

Thus, even if the school or the authorities repeatedly hinders the path, students should not give in easily. Instead, they should unite and stand in solidarity with each other because the moment we give up our fight, we give up our right to decide our own lives, and let ourselves be pushed around by others.

Second, join student movements and club activities. School itself is a form of communal living. Besides acquiring knowledge, undergraduates should seize the opportunity to develop new interests and skills. 

Only through various experiments of living can we thoroughly understand ourselves and discover what kind of life and values are worth pursuing. Only then can we live our great ideal lives. 

Third, give back to society. People who can attend university are all considerably privileged in society. Moreover, public universities are funded by taxpayers’ money, which is why we have a responsibility to give back to society, aid the underprivileged and promote social justice.

Fourth, carry out your civic responsibility. Since the UNDI18 legislative amendment was passed, your identity as a student and a voter exist together. With that, students cannot use academics as an excuse for neglecting their civic obligations.

Besides that, as fully-fledged members of society, citizens should have self-awareness and realise their own civic responsibilities and obligations. 

They should acknowledge their own shortcomings and ignorance as well as be willing to educate themselves and strengthen their awareness of various issues. They should dedicate time to comprehending basic political theories, improving their common knowledge and keeping up with current affairs so that they can make informed decisions based on reality.

Besides that, citizens should think critically, assess the reality of society and imagine their ideal society. Citizens should continuously ponder and argue their stances, respond to the question of meaning with values, use rationality to examine whether certain values are reasonable and legitimate and explore the importance of different values.

Citizens must also have the capability to act. In addition to voting in general elections, citizens should be able to rationally discuss public matters, bring about social reform and pursue a fair and just society. 

If you have a flair for writing, then influence others through the power of words. If you have artistic talents, then connect and resonate with people through music, theatre and other forms of expression. There is a multitude of ways to create reform, and it is not just about fighting on the front line. 

While attaining education, do not forget to serve the country; while serving the country, do not forget to be educated. 

I hope that in the future, university students do not surrender to the status quo but instead have the courage to speak up, defend democracy and freedom, preserve their principles and the truth and hold tightly onto their ideals. 

They must be bold enough to be critical, become the eyes of our present society and act as the conscience of society. – Oct 18, 2022 


Wong Yan Ke is a human rights activist, Universiti Malaysia (UM) engineering graduate and former president of the UM Association of New Youth (UMANY).

The views expressed are solely of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of Focus Malaysia.


Main photo credit: The Star 

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