A bouquet of flowers for Health Minister Dr Zaliha Mustafa and her officers

Letter to editor

IN March this year, I wrote an open letter to Health Minister Dr Zaliha Mustafa complaining about my correspondence with former health director-general (DG) Tan Sri Dr Noor Hisham Abdullah failed to obtain any response. Thanks to FocusM, the letter was published.

During one of my visits to the government clinic in Taman Ehsan, I tripped a couple of times, once going up and another time while coming down the stairs. This is because the tread of the stairs was only eight inches – short by one inch to comply with the Selangor Uniform Building By-Laws 1986.

Several e-mails to Dr Noor Hisham were just being ignored. At the same time, I learnt that a retired doctor who visited the clinic also had a fall. It was therefore shocking for me to see how the then DG could shut his ears to complaints.

The local Public Works Department (JKR) engineer had meanwhile placed some warning signs to alert people to be careful when walking up or down the stairs. This was a temporary measure especially for pregnant women and the senior citizens.

Should there be an emergency and people are rushing down the stairs, I am sure some would be injured in the process.

It was only after my open letter to Dr Zaliha that an officer from the Health Ministry contacted me one afternoon. He explained that there was no budget but he would try to use whatever savings from other projects to refurbish the stairs.

The tread of the stairs at the Klinik Kesihatan Taman Ehsan has finally been widened

Meanwhile, former Selangor State EXCO in-charge of health Dr Siti Mariah Mahmud said she would try to assist.

There was silence thereafter. One month after another had passed but there was no update from anyone.

However, when I contacted the clinic on Oct 22, I was pleased to find out that the tread of the stairs have been widened. There was excitement in the voice of the lady who picked up my call as she informed me that all three stairs have been refurbished.

Whoever the officer is, a bouquet of flowers is for both Dr Zaliha and Dr Siti Mariah as well as the officer who was tasked to look into the matter. – Oct 30, 2023

Stephen Ng
Kuala Lumpur

The views expressed are solely of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of Focus Malaysia.

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