A gargantuan task for cops to unearth evidence of Dubai Move existence

SO the Madani government supporters have launched multiple police reports in 12 states about the clandestine Dubai Move conspiracy to topple the government.

The spokesman for those making police reports claimed that it was illegal to undermine the government of the day by engaging in the Dubai Move.

Information of the move surfaced when the J-KOM (Community Communications Department) deputy head revealed that some MPs had met in Dubai with the aim to topple the government.

At the same time, fugitive blogger Raja Petra Kamarudin (RPK) claimed that statutory declarations (SDs) are being prepared to unseat the government of Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim. Lately, he even confirmed that he has provided information to the police.

Whatever the claims or counter-claims on the existence of the Dubai Move is, there is no need for the government supporters to make multiple police reports.

I wonder on what basis the police can unearth more detailed information of the existence of the Dubai Move. Whether there is such thing as Dubai Move remains unclear. After all, it could just be the figment of imagination of the government supporters.

The Dubai Move would not have gain credibility if the unity government had not played up the crossover of five Bersatu MPS to the side of the government without resigning from their party.

Unfounded fears

Technically, it might not be anti-hopping but substantively the crossovers have the hallmark mark of anti-hopping. Whether the crossovers will be challenged in the court of law remains to be seen.

If the Madani government can welcome the crossovers of the opposition MPs, what is so wrong about the rumours of the Dubai Move then? Moreover, there are constant talked in government circles of more crossovers from the opposition.

Isn’t such irresponsible talks an affront to the opposition? It is seemingly alright for the government to embrace the crossovers but not the talk of Dubai Move.

If the Madani government is doing well, there is no need to worry. The overall satisfaction of the society would militate against any moves to unseat the government.

But unfortunately, the sloganeering and rhetoric of the government have not translated in the form of the provision of good and services to the people. If at all the Dubai Move gains traction among the masses, the present government has to say goodbye at some point.

Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim has been using his pseudo intellectualism to mesmerise the masses but its hollowness is rather apparent.

The Malays have lost faith with the government, the Indians are deserting the government while only the Chinese are holding on. Without the Chinese support through the DAP, Anwar can say goodbye to being the PM.

The government is holding on to Chinese support by giving the illusion of inclusion or bulwark against the extremism of PAS. – Jan 10, 2024


Former DAP stalwart and Penang chief minister II Prof Ramasamy Palanisamy is chairman of the Urimai (United Rights of Malaysian Party) Interim Council.

The views expressed are solely of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of Focus Malaysia.

Main pic credit: Kosmo Digital

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