A no-holds-barred reminder to all thinking, open minded Malays on this Merdeka Day

Editor’s note: Minimal censorship is accorded to preserve the writing style of the writer and to ensure unnecessary disruption to his flow of thought/message that he wishes to convey. Henceforth, FocusM wishes to advise readers to absorb the content with an open mind given there are revelations that can be explosive to certain segments.


THE Chinese schools and the Tamil schools have now become bright sparks on our education horizon (although up to primary level only). There are almost 100,000 Malay students enrolled in the Chinese schools. Why? Because 200,000 Malay parents (father and mother) want to give their children a better education.

The few Chinese secondary schools in Malaysia offer the UEC or United Examination Certificate. The UEC is well regarded outside Malaysia like in Taiwan, Singapore, Hong Kong and even China – countries with the highest education standards in the world.

Yes, the whole world may laugh at our SPM top-scorers but believe me, nobody laughs at the UEC certificates offered by the Chinese secondary schools.

Again, as I said the sekolah kebangsaan (national primary school) is a Malay problem. It is not a Malaysian problem. The ‘clowns’ who occupy the PM’s office are all Malays. Putting it another way the Malays who occupy the PM’s office are ‘clowns’.

It is a Malay problem. Perhaps we should one day put a non-Malay in the PM’s office just to prove the point whether non-Malay PM’s are also ‘clowns’.

If a non-Malay PM is also a ‘clown’ ONLY then we can say that yes this is indeed a ‘Malaysian’ problem. But till then, it remains a Malay problem.

FELDA is an exclusively Malay problem. Full stop. It is NOT a Malaysian problem. End of story.

A Malay religious leader saying rasuah (corruption) is halal (permissible) is an exclusively Malay-Muslim problem. Even the other Muslims in the country (like the Mamak Muslims, the Chinese Muslims, etc) or Muslims in other parts of the world do not say that rasuah is halal.

No Muslim in their right mind will say rasuah is halal. Again, this is an exclusively Malay-Muslim problem. This is NOT a Malaysian problem.

The RM100 gift for the poor is also a big issue with the Malays. Granted that RM100 can only buy a few kilos of ikan kembong (mackerels) but for many Malays in Kelantan and other poor states, that RM100 does provide some relief.

Not all Malaysians may feel the same way or even need the RM100. Again, this is also not a Malaysian problem. It is certainly a Malay problem.

Inviting convicted felons to the Istana (palace)? Need I say it again? Folks, why is this important? Especially to you Malay folks. The Malay intelligentsia, the middle-class and upper-class Malays. Why is this important?

Firstly, so that you may recognise that YOU are the problem. Do not blame others for your problems. Please grow up. You cannot blame Chin Peng, blame the DAP, blame the Zionists, blame Genghis Khan, etc for your problems.

Look at yourselves first. You are the problem. Once you can recognise where the real problem lies, only then you can come up with the right solutions to solve YOUR problems.

And please, please do not try to solve YOUR problems by making problems for the non-Malays. That does not solve any of your problems. It only creates more problems for all Malaysians.

Please do not cause obstructions for other people who are not the cause of any of YOUR problems. If you have serious problems, go and find solutions for your own problems.

Do not make problems for other people who do not have the same problems as you. But here is the slippery part.

This is one example. In the sekolah kebangsaan, they teach only FIVE periods of Mathematics a week. BUT they teach NINE periods of agama.

Here is the really slippery part: Do you as a Malay consider this to be a problem or not? How you answer this question will determine if your problems will continue or not? How you answer this question will determine if the world laughs at you or not?

In comparison, China teaches 20 periods of Mathematics a week. In Singapore, they teach 15 periods of Mathematics a week. Do you see the world laughing at China? Do you see the world laughing at Singapore?

So please learn to differentiate the problem. Is it a Malaysian problem or is it a Malay problem? Please be honest. – Aug 31, 2023


Post-script: Here is an interesting 10-year-old article by the SAYS news portal which revealed how Kelantan – which is deemed he “most Malay state” – has proportionately more Malays studying Chinese than anywhere in the country.

This surprising phenomenon was first reported by the Singapore Straits Times which noted that it was common to find Malays in the state enrolling their children in Chinese-language schools or attending Chinese-language classes offered in religious schools.

In contrast, there is only an average of 10% Malay students enrolled at Chinese vernacular schools in other states (this 10-year-old data may no longer be relevant but the message is crystal clear).

“The Kelantanese see the party’s spiritual leader (the late) Datuk Nik Abdul Aziz Nik Mat as the prime example of someone who encourages the younger generation to take up the Chinese language as five of his grandchildren attend Chinese schools,” said Hu Pang Chaw who was the then chairman of the PAS Supporters Congress (the party’s non-Muslim wing).

It is unsure if such practice is still ongoing today but back during the visionary Tok Guru Nik Aziz’s time, the state government under PAS did fund Mandarin classes in schools. It even sent three Malay-Muslim teaching college graduates to study Mandarin in Guangzhou, China in 2009 and even hired a few teachers from China to conduct Mandarin classes.

Main pic credit: mStar


Syed Akbar Ali who blogs OutSyed The Box was a former member of the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission’s (MACC) Panel on Consultation and Prevention of Corruption member.

The views expressed are solely of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of Focus Malaysia.

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