Ahmad Maslan plays recreative football and plans to walk 10,000 steps

WHILE many are busy politicking, Finance Minister Datuk Seri Ahmad Maslan is shaping up and taking his physical well-being into great consideration.

On Twitter, he deviated from his typical posts about cooking, which he claimed is his favourite pastime to display his enthusiasm for creative football.

“There is a ball, there is a field, there is time, and there are other people who can kick the ball together,” he wrote. 

He added that he sweats a lot playing the game and he is on a mission to achieve 10,000 steps daily as part of his routine.

“Usually in the evening after work, I sweat it out playing football. I also walk to reach 10,000 steps a day, even though I haven’t reached 10,000 yet,” he added.

His post attracted a lot of responses from both fans and detractors.

In lieu, Twitter user @syamilkebob stated he observed Ahmad’s style, and he appears to be a striker or an agile attacking midfielder.

This example illustrates that netizens are genuinely pleased to witness a politician exuding positive vibes without engaging in conflicts. Moreover, there are others who state that they are his new supporters.Furthermore, Twitter user @moktehVV said that she is a new supporter of Ahmad. She noted that he is unbothered, knows how to cook, athletic, has a 4.0 CGPA and is supportive of his wife’s cooking. She also called him the king of acronyms.

 Following that, user @LBercerminMata pointed out that Ahmad has shown a good example as a leader, who encourages the public to exercise for the sake of our health. – July 29, 2023

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