Amanah: Opposition parties must unite to defeat Barisan Nasional

ALL Opposition parties must unite under one big tent to achieve their most important goal in the 15th general election (GE15) which is to deny Barisan Nasional (BN) the right to regain power, said Parti Amanah Negara (Amanah) communications director Khalid Samad. 

According to Khalid his party was ready to play a key role in restoring unity and togetherness of the opposition parties to go against BN. 

Presently, Opposition parties consist of the Pakatan Harapan component parties DAP, PKR Amanah and United Progressive Kinabalu Organisation (UPKO), Parti Pejuang Tanah Air (Pejuang), the Malaysian United Democratic Alliance (MUDA), and Parti Warisan. 

“Amanah believes that the most important goal of GE15 is to deny BN the right to be in power because the implications of BN’s victory would be very bad for the country and rakyat,” said the Shah Alam MP. 

“Amanah calls on all opposition parties to learn from the Melaka, Sarawak and Johor state elections,” said Khalid who was speaking at a press conference held after a breaking of fast event at Wisma Amanah Negara in Kuala Lumpur on Thursday (April 14). 

“Correct your attitude and approach so that a winnable strategy can be successfully implemented. 

“Don’t allow these defeats to make us pessimistic or negative and instead, use this as a lesson and correct our weaknesses.” 

Khalid also said that Pakatan leaders are free to meet with anyone from the opposite political divide, including Parti Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia (Bersatu) president Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin. 

“We won’t stop our leadership from meeting anyone but any decision must be brought to the party’s highest leadership and then Pakatan,” he commented. 

Yesterday (April 14) Muhyiddin said that Bersatu is still open to discussions with other political parties in facing GE15, adding that discussions are still going on with like-minded parties to achieve victory in the next general election.  

Earlier Permatang Pauh MP Nurul Izzah Anwar said that it will need at least 10 more years – or two general election cycles – for PH to retake Putrajaya. 

In an exclusive interview with Sinar Harian the former PKR vice president anticipated that PH will struggle in GE15 where it could lose most of its parliamentary and state seats. 

She also said that it will take time to produce success as people were still traumatised by what happened during the 22 months that Pakatan was in power. 

Nurul Izzah further pointed out that there are no shortcuts for a political party to regain the people’s confidence and that the people must be convinced once again that PH is capable of doing better should the coalition be given another opportunity to take back Putrajaya. – April 15, 2022 

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