Anwar challenges opposition to bring no confidence motion in Parliament

PRIME Minister (PM) Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim has challenged the opposition to bring a motion of no confidence against him at the next Dewan Rakyat session, giving assurance that he will not reject such a motion if it is presented to the House Speaker Datuk Johari Abdul Ghani.

In a speech during a Pakatan Harapan (PH) rally, a vociferous Anwar said PAS and Bersatu are unlike former PM Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin. He added that Muhyiddin instead declared emergency during the COVID-19 pandemic when the opposition wanted to bring some motions to Parliament.

“PAS, Bersatu if there is a vote, bring it, I will not block it. I am not like Muhyiddin, when there is a general emergency motion,” said the PM in a Merah Kuning rally in Subang.

Meanwhile, Anwar took several jabs at Muhyiddin, regarding the refurbishment of the Seri Perdana Complex worth RM38 mil.

He said during COVID-19 pandemic, when the rakyat (the people) needed help, Muhyiddin was more concerned with renovating the PM’s official residence.

“There are people who don’t have enough to eat, no work, disabled people, poor people.. you choose RM38 mil to fix your house. Allahuakbar (God is great) what kind of a human being,” he reminded the former PM how the situation was bad during his time in power.

Anwar has also rejected the use of the song “Hoi Ya Hoi” by the Perikatan Nasional (PN) supporters.

During the nomination day for the naming of candidates for the state elections yesterday (July 29), PN supporters who met with Anwar chanted “Hoi Ya Hoi”.

Although the chant of “Hoi Ya Hoi” by the PN supporters didn’t irritate Anwar, he playfully responded by joining in and enthusiastically chanting “Hoi Ya Hoi” while pointing to the crowd.

After the nomination of candidates, Muhyiddin said to give PN a chance in the state polls. He claimed that his party will solve the cost of living issues immediately.

Nevertheless, it is reasonable to state that the results of the state elections (PRN) or PRN will probably not have an impact on the federal government headed by Anwar in a coalition with the Barisan Nasional and Sabah, Sarawak-based parties. – July 30, 2023

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