Bossku’s sojourn: From Kajang Prison to HKL to Cheras Rehab Hospital?

IT is hoped that this piece of information that is now trending on social media is untrue and can be immediately denied by the relevant authorities – that an instruction was issued over the weekend by both the Prime Minister and Health Minister to admit incarcerated ex-premier Datuk Seri Najib Razak to the Cheras Rehabilitation Hospital (CRH).

The WhtasApp text in Malay which apparently codenamed the Pekan MP as “Merpati (Pigeon)” claimed that the instruction has sparked dismay and furore among civil servants of both the Kuala Lumpur General Hospital (HKL) where the Pekan MP is currently being warded with their counterparts at the CRH.

“The instruction is adamant for admission to Cheras. But the crux of the matter is that there is no strong indication from HKL for admission to the Cheras Rehab. The (HKL) physio officer can do outpatient (treatment) 2-3 times weekly. No need for active physio,” read the WhatsApp text.

“And the Chreas Rehab Hospital also insisted that HKL issued a referral letter for reasons behind admission to Cheras. But HKL has no (solid) reason except minister’s instruction. Not appropriate to write that down, right?”

Datuk Seri Najib Razak is currently warded at the Kuala Lumpur General Hospital (HKL) (Pic credit: The Rakyat Post)

The text which listed down the chronology of events since Aug 23 when the Federal Court ordered Najib who is affably known by his Bossku moniker to commence his 12-year jail sentence at the Kajang Prison added:

“If written as minister’s instruction, the minister has to answer. (But) they are not going to bear responsibility. The issue now is HKL is not keen to issue a referral letter but received instruction for transfer to the Cheras Rehab Hospital.

“All those who are involved (civil servants) are currently under tremendous pressure. But they dare not come forward.”

To sum up, the WhatsApp text listed down five likely motives/concerns on the proposed transfer of Bossku to CRH:

  • Facilitating movement of family members, political secretary and for outsiders to visit;
  • Easier to meet visitors compared to a restricted prison environment. This could also facilitate political strategising;
  • The Cheras Rehabilitation Hospital provides VVIP facility;
  • Currently, the first class room is being used at HKL;
  • How will (HKL) specialists answer if there is no (proper) reason to transfer “Pigeon” to the Cheras Rehabilitation Hospital?

The onus now lies on the Prime Minister’s Department and the Health Ministry (MOH) to refute claims made by the WhatsApp text which is making its rounds nationwide. – Sept 19, 2022

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