Brawler in ‘One by One: Gentlemen’ viral video lands starring role in Pak Mat Western advert

ALL’S well, that end’s well . . .

The title to Bard’s famous play certainly applies to the scenario where one of the brawlers in the viral ‘One by One: Gentlemen’ video has monetised his infamy.

With the clip of fisticuffs being viewed by millions of netizens, it has turned the Chinese shopkeeper and Indian patron into overnight internet sensations, with shares, memes and parodies aplenty.

Now, the Indian “annae” (slang for ‘elder brother’ that is commonly used to refer to Indian men) has cashed in on his notoriety. He was recently hired as a “face” for Pak Mat Western franchise which is known for leveraging social media and viral “stars” to market its brand.

The simple ad that did not even reference him, instead simply showed him dining at an outlet alongside many other customers. This alone highlights just how recognisable he has become.

Posted on the Pak Mat Western Facebook page, the ad has generated 27k likes, 3.1k comments and 1.8k shares as of the time of writing. The advert has also been viewed many more times when shared on other social media platforms, underscoring the effectiveness of this tactic.

This is a sample of the comments on Pak Mat Western’s Facebook page:

One asked where was annae’s trademark helmet.

Some cheekily asked where his friends were, as he is pictured dining solo.

Quite a few highlighted that it was great that “annae” has new opportunities as a brand ambassador.

The ad was also shared on X (formerly Twitter) by user Roman Akramovich (@SyedAkramin) who hinted that the outcome was an expected one.

His post has generated 991.3k views as of the time of writing, again highlighting the effectiveness of Pak Mat Western’s marketing ploy. This is a sample of the accompanying comments.

There were also similar queries from the other “cast members” here on this post.

Given the amount of chatter surrounding this viral video, it certainly makes sense for brands like Pak Mat Western to ride on the coattails. However, not everyone was in agreement with this marketing tactic, saying a drunken brawler was not the right role model to use as a brand ambassador.

Some are lamenting Malaysia’s predilection for all things that go viral online.

It is certainly hoped that this episode has opened up opportunities for “annae” to earn a decent income that may steer him away from the lure of cheap liquor. As one netizen highlighted, the annae’s fortitude to keep getting up has resulted in a positive outcome. Hopefully, there will be more positive news to follow. – June 16, 2024



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