ECONOMY Minister Rafizi Ramli recently explained to the Dewan Negara the importance of the use of data to reach the poor and needy Malaysians with his proposed targeted subsidy.
Poverty eradication requires accurate and updated data but there were doubts about e-kasih data which is the source of debate from various parties, according to him.
However, with his plan, the government will not have to struggle to deal with the issue of poverty eradication every year.
Hence, the launch of the Main DataBase (PADU) system will allow the government to determine the target groups more accurately but the entire issue of targeted subsidies is not well understood by the population, it seems. Many on social media are claiming it is ‘another’ failure from the Madani government.
Rafizi noted that the targeted subsidy programme is expected to be fully implemented beginning next year.
Many is of the opinion that the M40 group will be the one losing out the most. Those belonging to the B40 category will be “safe” and those in the T20 category will be able to pay their way through.
Twitter user @PakMustaper stated:
Sekarang ni m40 dah jadi b40, b40 jadi level m40. Contohnya B40 anak sakit pergi klinik swasta under skim perubatan madani, tapi m40 anak sakit pergi beratur kat hospital gov. Ini aku dah tengok dalam circle family aku. Kalau tarik subsidi minyak m40 ni lagi sengkek la jawabnya.
— PMX (@PakMustaper) September 29, 2023
(Now, the M40 has become B40 and B40 is at the M40 level. For example, a B40 family takes their sick child to a private clinic under the Madani medical scheme but an M40 family has to queue at a government hospital.
(I’ve witnessed this within my family circle. If they cut the fuel subsidies for the M40, it will be even tougher for them, that’s for sure.)
Some agree with the idea but are still giving mixed reviews about its implementation.
Twitter user @anipm87 said:
I love the idea that we need to move forward and reduce reliance on subsidy. But as developing country, we need to make sure that extra reduction get channel correctly to increase income, better economy growth and at the same time ensuring Rakyat’s welfare stay as main focus.
— Anip (@anipm87) September 29, 2023
Following that, other users appear to agree with this as well.
PADU menggabungkan maklumat sosioekonomi setiap isi rumah di Malaysia dan akan menjadi asas pemberian subsidi bersasar.
Insya-Allah akan menjadi satu pangkalan data paling lengkap yang kerajaan ada setakat ini bagi memastikan penerima manfaat subsidi disasarkan tiada keciciran.
— 🅳🅾𝕏𝕏🅴🆁 🇲🇾 (@doxxerMY) September 29, 2023
(PADU combines socioeconomic information of every household in Malaysia and will serve as the foundation for targeted subsidy distribution. If God wills, it will become the most comprehensive database the government has ever had to ensure that subsidy beneficiaries are targeted without any wastage.)
“M40 pun bayar cukai tp apa bantuan pun tak dpt” ..
semua M40 heavily affected with the cost of living that’s higher and if subsidies are taken from them?
Semua M40 senang ka ada financial freedom, extra money 💸, less commitment, stay rural areas?
Bila Dicukai “rakyat susah”
— TheOnlyZaril 🏴#Liberation (@Iam_Zaril) September 29, 2023
(“M40 also pays taxes but receives no assistance.” All M40 heavily affected with the cost of living that’s higher and if subsidies are taken from them?
(Is it easy for all M40 individuals to have financial freedom, extra money, less commitments, and live in rural areas? When taxed, they say “the people are struggling”.) – Sept 30, 2023
Main photo credit: Bernama