Do bosses have the right to yell at ungrateful staff after bonus payment?

A VIDEO of a business owner lashing out at his staff for purported in-fighting has gone viral. The short clip shows a visibly upset boss delivering an emotionally-charged tongue-lashing to his staff.

He berated the shame-faced employees for being unprofessional despite being given a three-month bonus.

The poster by the name of Roman Akramovich (@SyedAkramin) claimed that the boss was treating his staff like cattle with this public dressing down.

The video which is uploaded on X (formerly Twitter) has generated 1.3 million views at the time of writing as well as eliciting plenty of comments from netizens.

Here is a small sample.

More than a few said their bosses were chilled when handing out much higher bonuses.

Another said he was willing to forgo the bonus instead of having to listen to a boss’s cringe worthy lecture.

One netizen urged others to study harder to ensure a successful career instead of replicating this boss’s unprofessional behaviour.

What can be said though is that with social media, anything and almost everything is game for content.

It may be prudent for such meetings to be held behind closed doors and without the presence of mobile devices.

While the boss in this video may have legitimate reasons for lashing out at his staff, the video does paint him and his company in a less-than-positive light. Always remember before speaking or acting in the heat of the moment for you could be an unwitting star on social media. – Jan 27, 2024

Main pic credit: Getty Images

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