Do mobile phones truly ruin relationships? This new study says otherwise

A new study by telecommunications company Telenor found that most Asians believe mobile usage improves their quality of life, debunking the belief that being on your phone damages relationships and people skills.

The Digital Lives Decoded study, released in conjunction with Telenor’s 25th anniversary in Asia, surveyed over 8,000 mobile internet users across eight Asian countries (Bangladesh, Indonesia, Malaysia, Pakistan, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam).

According to the study, 93% of respondents said their mobile usage improves their quality of life, with women leading this trend at 64% versus men at 52%.

This trend was most apparent in Thailand (76%) and Indonesia (74%) where the highest number of women are connecting to “significantly better” lives through their mobile use.

Telenor Asia head Jorgen Rostrup noted that this dispels the popular notion that mobile usage comes between people by distracting users from those around them and damaging relationships and interpersonal communication skills.

Jorgen Rostrup

“Interestingly, this survey shows that people want the changes in digital use and their daily lives to stay,” he added in a statement announcing the study findings today.

“In fact, they continue to immerse themselves in a digital world, despite rules on travel and social interaction being relaxed.”

Even as connectivity puts power into the hands of people, the study also revealed where digital gaps remain, particularly in rural and elderly populations.

“With mobile connectivity evolving from a nice-to-have to a must-have, the need to understand these gaps is becoming more important to policymakers, businesses and individuals alike,” said Jorgen.

“Insights from this study can thus act as a map of where to bridge the widest digital divides.”

Swiping up for an always-on lifestyle

Nearly all consumers surveyed have their mobile device with them for at least half of the day, and one in five are never without their phone. Yet, the majority of respondents surveyed feel they strike a good balance in their use of technology (76%).

People in the Philippines and Thailand are most dependent on their mobile phones, with 29% and 25% respectively saying they are never without their mobile phones.

This dependence is set to grow, with nearly three in four people (74%) expecting their mobile usage to increase in the coming years, a trend greatest among respondents in Thailand (82%).

Keeping up as digital life charges ahead

Generational differences in how people feel about the surge in time spent online are apparent, however. Gen Z respondents, the youngest surveyed, are more likely to feel that they are overusing technology.

Along with their millennial counterparts, Gen Z respondents were also the most concerned about having the right skills to keep pace with technology.

This was a concern shared across generations, with 85% of respondents worried that their digital skills will not keep pace with a rapidly evolving digital environment.

(Lack of) trust in the digital world

Concerns around privacy and security of mobile devices surfaced for 93% of respondents across the region, amid a well-recognised surge in digital adoption.

Of those who reduced their mobile usage in the past year, one in three Gen Z respondents in Malaysia cited privacy and security concerns as the top reason for the decrease.

Conversely, people in Thailand were least concerned, with nearly a quarter of respondents not concerned about this at all.

Tapping into a more sustainable life

The study also revealed optimism about the potential for mobile technology to advance environmental sustainability. Two-thirds of those surveyed believe that digital access is “very important” for them to lead greener lives in the future.

People cited the greatest benefits come in the areas of reducing paper, waste and electricity (70% of respondents), being able to communicate more efficiently (67%) and providing better access to public transport with more information (55%).

However, this does not take into consideration that surging data use will require greater energy consumption.

Mobile tech closing the digital divide

The study also pointed to the greater potential women see in mobile usage, with more women than men saying mobile connectivity has enhanced their options for working and generating income and gave them better access to information and education opportunities.

Interestingly, Singapore is the only country where this trend is reversed, with more males (54%) than females (49%) finding that mobile usage improves their lives significantly.

Respondents also recognised how mobile connectivity is inclusive, giving people greater access to essential services which enrich their daily lives, such as education (88%) and healthcare services (88%). – Sept 5, 2022


Main pic credit: Medium

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