TUN Dr Mahathir Mohamad has accused the government of Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim of making changes to constituencies that result in a decrease in the number of Malay constituencies and an increase in the number of non-Malay constituencies.
These accusations by the former PM are causing controversy and raising concerns about the fairness and equality of the electoral process in Malaysia.
“To some extent, this situation will change the existing government pattern in GE16 and in GE17 the situation will be even worse.
“In our country, there is no guarantee that the Prime Minister (must) be Malay and anyone can be Prime Minister.
“Even now, the Malay parties in the government are not in power and they are divided into three parties,” he said.
He made these remarks during a press conference after the programme Bersama Tun M: Dialog Sepentas Perjuangan Yang Hilang? at the Mini Townhall, Yayasan Kepipinan Perdana (YKP) on Saturday (March 4).
The former PM perhaps made these allegations following reports that some constituencies in Malaysia had more residents than Luxembourg or the state of Perlis.
Netizens on Twitter however, were not kind to Dr Mahathir.
User @WidyaAhmad10 wrote:
Dah hilang deposit, ingatkan dah diam, rupanya ada talian hayat dan masih lagi nak huruharakan perpaduan rakyat dan menimbulkan prasangka antara kaum. Kami rakyat Malaysia, Tun. Boleh tak bagi peluang kerajaan ini mentadbir selama 1 penggal. Gila kuasa!
— Widya Ahmad (@WidyaAhmad10) March 4, 2023
Translated from Malay, the user is saying, “Ever since he lost his deposit, I thought he will be silent. Apparently, he still wants to stir up the unity of the people and create prejudice between races. We are Malaysians, Tun. Is it possible for you to let this government govern for a term? Power crazy!”
Meanwhile, user @Jmma1ar said:
Bagusla ..sekarang ni pun ramai bergegas bekerja di Singapore …hujan lebat monsoon mcm Mana pun ..tetap x banjir , world class tourism , airports ,zoos, job opportunities, currency solid .. wowww Tak sabar klu Msia jd spt Spore …
— Jmmalar (@Jmma1ar) March 4, 2023
“Great .. most are rushing to work in Singapore … with heavy rains like monsoons everywhere .. no floods, world-class tourism, airports, zoos, job opportunities, and solid currency .. wowwww I can’t wait for Msia to be like Spore. ..” — March 5, 2023
Main photo credit: The Star