“Get your priorities right”: Netizens livid over PM’s clocking in ceremony

BARELY a day in office, Prime Minister Datuk Seri Ismail Sabri Yaakob received brickbats on social media for holding a brief media session on clocking in for the first time as premier.

“Do they realize we actually have 20,000 cases every day and hundreds of casualties due to a pandemic at the moment? Is this even necessary?” asked user Brahma.

Yesterday, Ismail Sabri touted the “Malaysia Family” concept and urged everyone regardless of their differences to set aside petty issues and focus on combatting COVID-19.

He also promised to devise a comprehensive strategy to contain the pandemic and rejuvenate the economy, while taking into account stakeholders’ views.

User Shafiq Fendy made comparisons of Ismail Sabri to US President Joe Biden and UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson, where the latter duo immediately sprung into action to resolve their nations’ crisis upon taking office.

For example, Biden signed nearly 20 executive orders on his first day, which included matters involving healthcare, COVID-19, climate change and others.

Unimpressed with the prime minister’s antics, user Fauzi Haluwi chided the former for being slow in understanding his priorities.

“I thought people were calling him dimwitted for no reason but now I know it’s true. Our PM is a joke,”

User Azean Shafinaz remarked: “It is 2021 and we are in the middle of pandemic & crisis, but u still wanna do this @IsmailSabri60. 1st failure as a PM.” – Aug 23, 2021.

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