Hadi: Secularist DAP rejects PAS due to its narrow view of Islamic welfare state concept

PAS president Tan Sri Hadi Awang has blamed the reluctance of DAP to accept its Islamic welfare state concept as the chief cause of both allies in the Pakatan Rakyat (PR) collation having to part company in the aftermath of the 2013 general election (DAP declared that the coalition was officially abolished on June 16, 2015).

This is despite DAP initially accepted the welfare state concept but based on its narrow understanding from the lenses of secularism.

“However, when the Shura Ulamak Council issued a complete Islamic State Document to be used as a guide, DAP suddenly revealed its attitude against Islam,” Hadi penned on his latest Minda Presiden PAS (PAS President Insight) segment on his Facebook page.

“A clash was inevitable given DAP wanted to drag PAS out of its core principles by submitting to its secularism principles in line with its constitution as well as the concept of Malaysian Malaysia which has been its direction.”

Added the cleric: “This clash is what caused either DAP to leave (PR) as it is not acceptable for PAS to embrace a forbidden political understanding which would violate its own principles of struggle.”

Moreover, Hadi claimed that DAP had during that time also openly oppose Islam by defending apostate groups, opposing the banning of alcohol and gambling as well as implementation of several Islamic agendas even though these matters were only intended for Muslims in PAS-ruled states.

“This situation affects non-Muslims who supported PAS which eventually led to the setting up of the PAS Supporters Assembly for non-Muslims to deal with the situation,” recalled the Marang MP.

Earlier, Hadi stressed that PAS’s would not compromise the core principles of its struggle which treats “Islam as al-din (way of life blessed by Allah)” even if the Islamist party would have to forgo the mutual understanding that it has forged with DAP.

“Our principles obligate Islam to have a sovereign position in a Muslim-led country as opposed to the concept of secularism is detached from religion or the Malaysian Malaysia’ concept which is capable of erasing the image of the nation.” – Aug 31, 2023

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