“Here’s your grace period, now decide wisely,” MMA tells unboosted Sinovac recipients

THE Malaysian Medical Association (MMA) has lauded the Health Ministry’s one-month extension for Sinovac primary vaccine recipients and senior citizens to get their booster shots.

Yesterday (Feb 24), Health Minister Khairy Jamaluddin said that the original deadline was Feb 28 but that his ministry had agreed to a one-month extension in order to facilitate matters for those in this group.

“The MMA views the reprieve given to Sinovac recipients and those above 60 who have yet to receive the boosters as a welcome chance for them to (get boosted),” said association president Dr Koh Kar Chai.

“Though MMA is still of the opinion that the fully vaccinated status should not be revoked even if the boosters are not taken, this one-month extension will be a good opportunity for those affected to review their decision on the booster doses and also time for those who were all the while ready to accept the booster dose but were not able to.”

Dr Koh said that those above 60 and those with comorbidities are more susceptible to severe disease and mortality if they are unfortunate enough to be infected by the coronavirus.

“Recipients of the Sinovac vaccine should know that they will need a third dose in order to achieve a decent amount of immunity against the dreaded COVID-19 infection,” he added.

“Though it is hoped that the Government will procure more Sinovac vaccines for those affected, the people are reminded that having the Pfizer vaccine as the third dose after two doses of Sinovac will improve their level of immunity and the mixing of these two vaccines is not contraindicated.”

Dr Koh went on to remind the public that although close contacts of COVID-19 patients will no longer be required to undergo quarantine if they have received their booster shots and show no symptoms of the disease it is not a passport to a “free-for-all”.

“Do not ignore the possible perils of COVID-19 infection. This decision is but a step in the transition towards an endemic phase,” he warned.

“It will aid in the economic recovery of our country. It is imperative that we continue to strictly adhere to the prescribed standard operating procedures (SOPs).”

Under new rules that will come into effect on March 1, that close contacts of COVID-19 patients will no longer be required to undergo quarantine if they have received their booster shots and are asymptomatic.

Instead, such persons will be merely required to undergo a COVID -19 self-test on the first day and third day after their last exposure with the COVID -19 patient.

If the test result is negative, they are allowed to go about their daily lives. Otherwise, they must report the positive test result through MySejahtera and undergo the seven-day isolation period for COVID-19 cases.

Quarantine rules for other categories of close contacts remain unchanged. – Feb 25, 2022

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