Indian egg supplier to sue Azmin RM20m for defamatory statement if he doesn’t apologise

J&E ADVANCE Tech Sdn Bhd, an importer of eggs from India, will sue former International Trade and Industry Minister Datuk Seri Azmin Ali for RM20 mil if he fails to apologise for his defamatory statement that the company has obtained a direct egg supply contract from the unity government through controversial businessman Deepak Jaikishan.

Lawyer Elyse Ng Zi Qian from Law Chambers of Han & Zi said her legal firm had personally sent a letter of demand to the Bukit Antarabangsa state assemblyman but failed to locate him at his office or other known addresses,

“However, we have left a copy of the letter at his Bukit Antarabangsa state assembly service centre in addition to forwarding him the demand letter to the official e-mail of his office,” Ng noted in a statement.

Among others, J&E Advance Tech has demanded that the former Gombak MP withdraw his statement in addition to apologising for the allegations he made and promise not to repeat them.

“If we do not receive a satisfactory answer within seven days of receiving this letter, our instructions are to initiate legal proceedings against you,” the letter of demand pointed out.

Through a letter of demand sighted by political news portal Harapan Daily, Azmin was accused of issuing the slanderous statement on March 11 during a keynote speech at the Solidariti Menentang Kezaliman (Solidarity Against Tyranny) event organised by Perikatan Nasional (PN) at Dewan Dato’ Fadzil Noor in Taman Melewar, Gombak.

Azmin who is also the PN information chief is alleged to have uttered slanderous remarks against J&E Advance Tech and the company’s officials as well as the unity government in his address.

His statement involved a number of phrases attributed to Deepak and the contract to bring Indian eggs to Malaysia.

“Our client has also ordered to claim damages amounting to RM20 mil for tarnishing his reputation,” added Ng. – April 4, 2023

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