“It’s all about blocking Sanusi from returning to become Kedah MB”

ALOR Setar MP Afnan Hamimi Taib Azamudden has hit out at the unity government for expediting the prosecution against caretaker Kedah menteri besar (MB) Datuk Seri Muhammad Sanusi Md Nor to the extent that he became the first and fastest political leader to be charged in court.

This is even when there were police reports lodged against Pakatan Harapan-Barisan Nasional (PH-BN) leaders pertaining to the 3R (race, religious, royalty) issue.

“All arguments and evidence will be raised to convict (him). There is a possibility of imprisonment or a fine or both, according to the provisions of the law,” Afnan who is the first Malay/PAS MP to win the Alor Setar parliamentary seat penned on his Facebook page.

“What is important for them is the conviction will make DS Sanusi ineligible to contest in the upcoming state polls. If he’s ineligible to contest, then by itself he cannot be appointed as MB.”

Afnan Hamimi Taib Azamudden

Added the political secretary to Sanusi: “When DS Sanusi is no longer MB, then the main character who prevents all their (PH-BN) evil plans is gone. Yes, this is their main mission.”

Meanwhile, the Selayang Sessions Courts had imposed RM5,000 bail for each of the two charges of having uttered seditious and insulting remarks in relation to Sultan of Selangor Sultan Sharafuddin Idris Shah near Taman Selayang Mutiara at about 11pm on July 11.

The courts have fixed Oct 4 for mention of both charges framed under Section 4(1)(a) of the Sedition Act 1948 and punishable under Section 4(1) of the same law which provides a maximum fine of up to RM5,000 or imprisonment for up to three years or both if convicted.

Interestingly, Sanusi’s ‘plight’ has earned some sympathy from PKR Bayan Baru MP Sim Tze Tzin who opined that the “SOP (standard operating procedure) in Sanusi’s police detention should be better off”.

Sim Tze Tzin

“Making an arrest at 3am is not a sensible action,” reckoned the political secretary to Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim on his Facebook page. ““Sanusi is a chief minister. He is not a suspect who will run away. Arrests can be carried out early in the morning or in the evening. It should not be done in the middle of the night.”

Added the three-term Bayan Baru MP: “The police SOP set during the state of emergency should be reviewed in line with the principles of Malaysia Madani which is supported by PM Anwar. Malaysia is a country with a law as well as a Madani country.” – July 18, 2023

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