THE Institute of Labour Market Information and Analysis (ILMIA) is optimistic that the job market will be better in the fourth quarter this year in Malaysia based on the improvement in job creation and the stable unemployment rate in Malaysia since the third quarter (3Q) of 2020.
ILMIA senior director Betty Hasan said as the government has introduced different types of movement control order (MCO) such as the enhanced MCO, recovery MCO and conditional MCO, there is no necessity for the government to have a nationwide lockdown and allow only essential services to operate like in the first MCO in March.
“Thus we feel that the outlook for Q4 will be better as the economy is recovering and we believe it is positive for Malaysia.
“The worst is behind us hopefully,” she said during a webinar session organised by the EU-Malaysia Chamber of Commerce and Industry (EUROCHAM Malaysia) titled “Malaysia’s Labour Market Outlook In The Time Of COVID-19” today. – Nov 23, 2020