Johan Jaaffar praises NST for Mossad exposé, media’s role to reveal truth

THE police have been urged to exercise retrain, caution and understanding in handling the case of New Straits Times (NST) group editor Farrah Naz Karim who has been summoned to the Dang Wangi police headquarters at 1pm today over a series of exposé on Israeli intelligence Mossad’s operations to abduct Palestinians in Kuala Lumpur.

Veteran journalist Tan Sri Johan Jaaffar described Farrah Naz as merely exercising her right as the group editor of NST in allowing a series of exposé of a Mossad operation in Malaysia.

The mainstream newspaper had exposed how a Mossad operation to abduct two Palestinians unfolded at Jalan Yap Kuan Seng on Sept 28.

“After all, a free press is critical to ensure a functioning democracy,” insisted the national journalism laureate in a media statement.

“It is shocking to know how Israeli operatives are operating in this country. The fact that they were planning to abduct two high-value Palestinians here is disturbing. We are a sovereign nation and no country – let alone Israel – has the right to operate under such circumstances.”

Johan Jaaffar (Photo credit: MStar)

Added Johan: “It was also revealed that Mossad were using locals to kidnap the Palestinians. The Home Minister and the police must ensure the public that such clandestine operation is totally unacceptable and must be condemned.”

According to NST, Farrah Naz received a call from one Assistant Superintendent of Police (ASP) Faizal at 9.45pm last night (Oct 18) informing her to show up at the Dang Wangi police headquarters this afternoon. However, the police officer did not divulge why Farrah Naz was being summoned.

It was revealed, a group of locals including a woman had acted as Israeli operatives to abduct two high-value Palestinians, said to be linked to Hamas who are based here.

The operatives however bungled their assignment when they only managed to capture one of the Palestinians as the other escaped and immediately lodged a police report. It was only quick action of the police which led to the discovery of where the agents had driven their victims to.

Farrah Naz Karim

Police raided a chalet in Hulu Langat and walked into an on-going interrogation by two Israeli men via a video call.

The abducted Palestinian was found tied up to a chair and badly beaten up.

NST today carried a note of gratitude expressed by Gaza’s Interior and Security Ministry towards the Malaysian police for rescuing their citizens from the clutches of Mossad.

This newspaper has also exposed that the botched operation is not the end of Mossad’s plans on Malaysian soil. More than six Palestinians in the country are said to be Mossad targets, as they are considered to have skills deemed as a threat by the Israelis. – Oct 19, 2022

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