Khairuddin says PAS has no right to expel Muslims from the Islamic community

FORMER PAS member Datuk Dr Mohd Khairuddin Aman Razali today told PAS that it does not have the right to expel Muslims from the Islamic community.

He added that it is unjust for the Islamist party to claim that only PAS fights for Islam while denying the Islamic struggle of other parties.

In a long entry on his Facebook page, Khairuddin who is also known as Khairuddin Takiri, pointed out that the UMNO constitution was amended in 2019 to prioritise support for the ideals of Islam but PAS rejected UMNO saying it’s not an Islamic party.

“The fight to uphold, defend and develop Islam is enshrined in the UMNO constitution. It is unjust to claim that only PAS fights for Islam while denying the Islamic struggle of other parties. When someone joins PAS, all their sins including the Memali Incident are absolved and elevated. 

“Those who leave PAS are considered to have abandoned the Islamic struggle and are condemned and cursed. Since when does the Islamic struggle solely belong to PAS? And since when does Islam permit slander and curses against those with different views and party affiliations? 

“Is that the characteristic of a true Islamic fighter, who sweetens their tongue with remembrance of God but indulges in slander at other times?” he penned on his Facebook page.

Moreover, he stated that PAS is punishing people who leave the party or are expelled, saying they have left the “Muslim congregation” when in fact PAS is not the “Muslim congregation.” 

In his remarks, he said PAS is acting as if it is the only Islamic party in the country and is misinterpreting a saying of the prophet of Islam to support its argument.

In general, Muslims are people who follow the religion and are led by a leader.

Thus, Khairuddin claimed that PAS is merely a small group within the larger Muslim community led by the head of state for Muslims. Leaving PAS means leaving a small “congregation” to join the larger Muslim community led by the King in the Malaysian context.

According to him, that is the correct interpretation of the phrase used by the PAS to condemn those leaving it.

“You should stick to the Muslim congregation and their leader.”

However, PAS leaders are obsessed with the party, believing the small “congregation” of PAS is the real Islamic community.

Khairuddin also mentioned the long list of PAS leaders and founders who left the party in the past.

“In PAS history, PAS founder Ustaz Fuad Hasan, PAS president Dato Asri Muda, PAS former deputy president and Jihad commander Ustaz Hasan Adli and PAS Kelantan founder Ustaz Amaludin Darus all left PAS.

“Were they all accused of leaving the “Muslim congregation?” – June 11, 2023


Main photo credit: Utusan Malaysia

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