KL floods: Enough of grandiose announcements and work on it, DAP tells Shahidan

A LAWMAKER today lashed out at Federal Territories Minister Datuk Seri Shahidan Kassim for saying that his plan to build a “mega tunnel” project to alleviate Kuala Lumpur’s flooding problems will take three to five years to be completed.

“All his solutions are hot air announcements. Prior to his tenure, many ministers have promised solutions to KL flood issues which ultimately remains ‘under study’ until today.

“And it’s upsetting when Shahidan said that his ‘mega tunnel’ project will take another three to five years to be completed,” said Kepong MP Lim Lip Eng in a statement.

Yesterday, Shahidan announced that the Kuala Lumpur City Hall (DBKL) will cooperate with the Department of Irrigation and Drainage (DID) to build a high-capacity groundwater storage tunnel to overcome the issue of flash floods in the nation’s capital.

He also said this was one of the long-term solutions that will take about three to five years to be completed.

The UMNO leader noted that DBKL will carry out a feasibility study on the location and specification of the groundwater storage tunnel, which will be completed within three months.

“Its function is to hold floodwater before releasing it into the river during low tide. Most major cities worldwide, including Tokyo and Itabashi in Japan, have built it (the tunnel) under their roads.

“However, what we have found is that our roads are narrow. So, some have suggested that we build it 120 feet (36.5m) below the river,” Bernama reported him as saying.

Touching on the matter, Lim said many individuals and non-governmental organisations (NGO) have submitted comprehensives plans over the years to the authorities on how to mitigate the problem.

Lacking consultations

Among the suggestions made, he noted, was for the authorities to bar any development projects on water retention areas, which was ignored so as to profit a select few.

“Plus, this so-called ‘mega tunnel’ project was mooted without consulting KL dwellers, related agencies and lawmakers from the nation’s capital before being announced yesterday,” the DAP leader claimed.

Hence, he urged Shahidan to conduct town-hall sessions with KL residents and related agencies to get their views on how to resolve flood problems better.

“Such sessions will not only allow Shahidan to get better ideas, but also pinpoint specific problems faced by certain communities.

“And I also urge the ministry to state what the budget is like for the ‘mega tunnel’ project and whether the project be dished out using an open tender system,” Lim remarked. – June 4, 2022

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