Kopi Saigon vs Zus Coffee: Is it ethical to pin down biz rivals for their neutral stand on Israel-Hamas war?

IT IS one thing for boycotters to exercise their consumer rights by choosing where to spend their hard-earned money. But is it right for business rivals to leverage the pro-Palestine boycott as a marketing strategy?

This is the question that arises when one business outfit takes to social media to throw barbs at its rival for the latter’s supposed “neutral” stance on the highly divisive issue.

Apparently, Vietnamese brew concept Kopi Saigon has been hurling brickbats at its more established rival Zus Coffee for participating in an one-off event organised by renowned sportswear firm Adidas which is perceived to have Jewish connection.

For its part, Zus Coffee has moved quickly to clear the air by stating unequivocally it condemns acts of war.

The home-grown franchise which boasts in excess of 330 outlets nationwide has even apologised for its “oversight” and admitted that it should have been more sensitive to local sentiments. For that, it promised greater sensitivity for future events.


However, its business rival in the shape of Kopi Saigon decided that this was too good an opportunity to ignore. Posting on its X (formerly Twitter) platform, the 100% Bumiputera-owned Kopi Saigon made it abundantly clear what its stance is.

It has become very clear that in Malaysia that neutrality on this highly-divisive – or rather explosive – issue is unacceptable to many.

Many netizens and social media influencers have voiced concern over pressure to conform with the pro-brigade. Muslims not displaying the Palestinian flag on their avatars are hounded and face all sorts of demeaning accusations.

Now, it seems that this issue has become fair game as Kopi Saigon has seen fit to use it to attract customers by claiming the moral high ground over its rivals.

Prior to this, influencer Januar Haikal (@Januarhaikal) has lambasted Zus Coffee, reminding the coffee chain which is seen as the local Starbucks version that its meteoric ascend is due to people having deserted Starbucks in view of the boycott against products/services with Zionist links.

“If people can boycott McDonald’s, KFC and Starbucks on a neutral basis, what makes you think that you are so special?”  chided Januar Haikal in his viral post on X which is just a faction away from hitting 1 million views. “By the way @ZUSCoffee, it’s a GENOCIDE and not a war!”

The influencer also hit out at the so-called “half-hearted” Zus Coffee apology which did not make a single mention of Palestine.

“You should have known better. A neutral stance will take you nowhere. It’s either pro-genocide or anti-genocide and that’s that. @ZUSCoffee, so which brand to support now?”

At the end of the days, business owners and consumers alike should understand that showing solidarity is one thing. But using solidarity as an excuse to denigrate business rivals and score marketing points is quite immoral. – May 17, 2024

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