Lawyer wonders if mainland Chinese are moving to Malaysia judging from their hand-carry luggage size

A FACEBOOK post by a lawyer querying the amount of carry-on luggage by mainland China travellers en route to Malaysia has raised some uncomfortable issues.

The post by Fira Fahmi contends that something fishy was going on as the baggage was more akin to a re-location than a short holiday visit.

She further noted that such practices are not seen on flights from China to other destinations, contending that perhaps one day, Malaysia will no longer be “real Malaysian anymore”.

Are her observations reason to be genuinely worried or is it just plain racist?

Her FB post has generated almost 10K ‘Likes’ and 7K shares which is an indication of the loaded observation the post is making.

The fact that the poster claims that she has been reported to the Bar Council for the post is also indicative of the contentious and sensitive nature of the issue.

Some were very vocal that this was indeed a sign of migration.

Needless to say, some lay the blame squarely at the door of the DAP with the poster using direct flights from Shanghai to Penang as “proof” of the party’s involvement in this wave of possible migration.

Some contended these Chinese visitors were coming to celebrate Chinese New Year in Malaysia whilst bringing along associated viruses.

One contended that this is how a certain party won big as it had plenty of phantom voters.

The fear of a new wave of illegal migrants was echoed by a few netizens. One contended that many were already residing in condos as “workers residence” but are unable to speak the local language yet they claim they are local.

One claimed given this has long been planned, it is Malaysians who have not woken up and smelled the coffee.

One further added that there were scores applying for MyKid identity cards at Putrajaya.

While another said the country was being sold out by “traitors” for allowing these migrants to gain citizenship.

Is the poster right in raising this issue? Are overloaded carry-on luggage sign of a deeper problem?

Is the immigration and customs departments in cahoots with foreigners in getting permanent residence here in Malaysia?

Can of worms duly opened. – Jan 8, 2025

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