Malaysia Day: Fadillah urges Malaysians to show strong spirit of unity

DEPUTY Prime Minister (PM) Datuk Seri Fadillah Yusof in a Facebook posting on Malaysia Day urged all citizens to strengthen the bonds of brotherhood and the closeness of the various races in this country.

He said the ‘rakyat’ should make an effort to appreciate and celebrate the establishment of Malaysia with a sense of pride and national spirit.

Fadillah stated that a strong spirit of brotherhood can further strengthen national integration with the true meaning of independence between Malaya, Sabah and Sarawak.

“Reconnect the bonds of brotherhood and camaraderie of the various races in Malaysia. Stop the sentiment of 3R (royalty, religion and race) which is only a threat to national unity.

“Cooperation and unity must be built together by all races without suspicion and envy because the journey to achieve progress and prosperity cannot be done alone,” he penned on Facebook.

Moreover, he pointed out that all the people should appreciate everything that the country has through the spirit of togetherness because the strength and progress of the country are the result of a common struggle.

Meanwhile, Fadillah also invited the people to remember the services and sacrifices of the first PM Tunku Abdul Rahman Putra Al-Haj and the figures of Sabah and Sarawak who succeeded in the formation of Malaysia.

On another note, former DAP MP Charles Santiago urged Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim not to undo Pakatan Harapan’s reform agenda.

“It’s Malaysia Day but it seems like we are undoing our reform agenda, backtracking on election promises, and worse, contributing to a shrinking democratic space in the country.

“How does one recover from the stinging effect of the dropping of all 47 charges against Deputy PM Ahmad Zahid Hamidi by the Attorney-General’s Chambers (AGC), or digest the eleven reasons given by the AGC, which weren’t worth the paper it was written on?”

He noted that this case is of public interest so why was the 200-page representation paper by Zahid’s lawyers not made public?

“Before we could recover from this travesty of justice, former PM Datuk Seri Najib Abdul Razak and former 1MDB CEO Arul Kanda Kandasamy walked free because the AGC missed the deadline to file the appeal by two months.”

Zahid also invited the people to appreciate the meaning of the historic Malaysia Day celebration.

“Even though we are born diverse and different (backgrounds) it does not mean that it becomes a constraint for us to maintain the harmony that is intact within our extended family.

“Invigorate the celebration of Malaysia Day this year as a proof of our love for the country in line with the theme of the #MalaysiaMadani celebration: Unity Determined to Fulfill Hope.” – Sept 16, 2023


Main photo credit: Bernama

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