“Mitra controversy: Probe its precursor SEDIC as well”

IS the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) primarily focused on the alleged misappropriation of funds by the Malaysian Indian Transformation Unit (Mitra) during the Pakatan Harapan (Pakatan) administration?

Or is the agency doing an overall investigation of the different administrative period of its existence?

If the latter is true, then this will mean an investigation will be done when Mitra was then called as Socio-economic Development of Indian Community (SEDIC under the Barisan Nasional (BN).

From what I understand, individuals from nine companies will be charged for the misappropriation of funds meant for the Indian poor. Overall, MACC is in the process of investigating 32 companies involved in the fraudulent misappropriation of public funds.

The investigation basically covers the period in which Pakatan was the Government of the day.

But why is the MACC showing little or no interest in the disbursement of funds when the agency was called SEDIC? There were allegations that hundreds of millions that were fraudulently disbursed to companies and individuals who aligned themselves with BN or the MIC.

The funds were meant for a targetted community, the Indians, which were disbursed indirectly to the Indian poor, through the numerous non-governmental organisations.

This indirect disbursal of funds was the source of the problem. It gave rise to misuse and misappropriation of funds.

This is why I raised the matter in the public. Can someone tell me why companies that had no role in the welfare and well-being of Indian community were allocating funds?

When the methodology of disbursement becomes a problem, then misappropriation will then be a natural consequence.

After the Pakatan was removed from power, Mitra was brought under the purview of the National Unity Ministry.

Wrong methodology, disastrous results

Whether the ministry received the funds for Mitra, how much was received and whatever happened to the funds, were subject to debate in the Parliament.

The public protest over the hijacking of funds meant for the Indian poor, prompted the MACC to conduct an investigation.

The investigation is still on-going, it is expected more company directors will be charged and possibly hauled to the court.

It is important that a lesson must be taught for those who misused or misappropriated public funds meant for the Indian community. While the main focus of the investigation seems on the disbursement of Mitra funds during the Pakatan’s time, hardly any attention is paid to the misappropriation during BN’s time.

I understand that some politicians linked to certain companies benefitted from the funds and I believe that the MACC know who these politicians are.

But why is there no action being taken against them? Selective investigation might not do full justice to the poor Indians who have been taken for ride by those unscrupulous company directors, politicians and individuals.

Overall, whether Mitra will continue to function in the best interest of the Indian community remains to be seen but as of now, it has been a disaster to say the least. – Nov 13, 2021

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