SPECIAL officer in charge of Indian affairs to Deputy Prime Minister Datuk Seri Ahmad Zahid Hamidi, Datuk Seri Ramesh Rao Krishnan Naidu suggested that alcohol sales should be banned after 10pm on all 24-hour premises.
According to him, drinking too much alcohol late at night increases the likelihood of occurrences like car accidents, fighting, and criminal activity.
“Apart from this, the ban would protect the younger generation from engaging in activities that are not beneficial, pointless as well as harmful to them,” he said in a statement yesterday (Jan 7).
Ramesh berkata, pengambilan arak selepas larut malam biasanya akan diambil secara berlebihan dan menyebabkan risiko berlakunya kejadian seperti kemalangan jalan raya, pergaduhan dan aktiviti jenayah.https://t.co/Es3ClV65jWhttps://t.co/Es3ClV65jW
— SinarHarian (@SinarOnline) January 7, 2023
However, netizens are having mixed reactions with regard to his statement, as some agree but there are also those who vehemently disagree with the suggested ban.
Those who agree with Ramesh Rao say they understand the dangers of late-night drinking, though some want such a ban to be enforced because Malaysia is a “Muslim” or “Islamic nation.”
Twitter user @kidz_am stated:
Idea bagus tapi kurang memuaskan! Sepatutnya diharamkan terus sbb ini negara Islam.
— toocein (@kidz_am) January 7, 2023
The user stated that this is a good idea but it is still unsatisfactory.
Why is it unsatisfactory? It is because alcohol has to be completely banned because to him Malaysia is an Islamic nation.
Another Twitter user @longbuoy22 agreed:
Baguslah, benda baik kita sokong.
Dapat juga mengurangkan kes pemandu mabuk
Selalunya lah, pemandu mabuk waktu malam2
— Shafiq Amiruddin (@longbuoy22) January 7, 2023
The user stated that it is a good idea to ban late-night alcohol sales and that it should be supported. This will help reduce the drunk driving accidents that have always happened especially at night.
User @abdyns said:
Arak membunuh !!
Ramai dah pemandu mabuk ragut nyawa org tidak bersalah.
Patut haram mcm dadah.
Etika kedai dan peminum pun tak ada, bagi lesen pun tak guna.Penguatkuasaan pun lemah..
— Kocing (@abdyns) January 8, 2023
In English, he meant that alcohol kills and that a portion of drunk drivers has killed several innocent people in our country. He then added that alcohol should be treated similarly to illegal substances such as chemical drugs. Claims on stores selling alcohol not having ethical viewpoints are also pointed out. He also criticised the lack of enforcement for the law in Malaysia.
There are plenty who also disagreed with Ramesh Rao. Twitter user @durga_90 stated:
It’s not about timing …. It’s the enforcement of law and how your officers are working. They are always gonna find a way to sell it even if u take an action for not selling after 10pm. So it’s better to ensure how your officers act when something like that happens…
— Durgawathy (@durga_90) January 8, 2023
Furthermore, suggestions on implementing a self-awareness campaign for drinkers to not drive after alcohol consumption were made. The suggested campaign would inform drinkers to book a grab home instead of driving home while intoxicated.
Twitter user @janicewww1 gave the exact suggestion by stated:
It is about self awareness. We have grab food grab car etc. Why not spread awareness to create a thing whereby call grab when u r drunk and not capable to drive. 2023 already, but it felt like we are all living in zaman batu century. Macam budak kena sekolah with trillion rules
— janicew_ (@janicewww1) January 8, 2023
Apparently, according to user @jeev64, road deliveries are also one of the bigger causes of road accidents, not drunk drivers only. He stated: — Jan 8, 2023
Most of the accidents nowadays are due to delivery services (too many trucks and bikes), not drunk drivers. Catch the food delivery riders who are causing a lot of accidents. Drunk driver cases are not that many; don’t waste your time on the 20%, focus on the 80%.
— Jeev (@jeev64) January 7, 2023