Modi’s yoga consultant shares tip to raise immunity against Covid-19

SIMPLE deep breathing techniques along with hand stretching incorporated in yoga can help raise the immunity within our body to fight against the spread of Covid-19, said Dr HR Nagendra (pic), who is Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s yoga consultant.

The 78-year-old yoga exponent shared his tips on the importance of maintaining a good respiratory system to overcome the deadly virus, saying it is a golden opportunity for the entire humanity to take advantage of the challenging times to use the ancient wisdom of yoga.

“The essence of pranayama (regulated breathing) incorporated in our breathing system is a wonderful tool to ensure our immune system gets strengthened by itself.

“Practising abdominal breathing and making sure our abdomen goes in when exhaling (breath) and abdomen coming forward when inhaling (breath) helps slow down (the) breath besides utilising the entire lungs to its proper shape.

“And therefore, the breathing system becomes rhythmic, continuous, slow and deep,” he said in a video message through a Youtube video posted in his Facebook account.

Nagendra also explained the techniques and benefits of incorporating breathing with hand stretches and movements.

“These techniques of breathing along with hand movement can help people strengthen the entire respiratory system which will result in a stronger immune system to prevent coronavirus from entering the nose and throat,” said Nagendra, who hails from Bengaluru in the south Indian state of Karnataka.

He said following these breathing techniques is a must to overcome the symptoms of coronavirus which causes respiratory distress like breathing difficulty, cough and fever.

“Today, we are all locked up in our houses and have plenty of time to do these (breathing practices) in order to keep our immune system in great preparedness.

“We can grow stronger day by day and win the war against corona,” he said. — April 1, 2020, Bernama

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