Motorists can claim for windscreens damaged by grasscutter debris; netizen shares step-by-step process

PURELY accidental and unintentional but it is a common enough an occurrence. Flying debris off a grasscutter’s rotor blades do hit cars causing paint chips – or worse – crack a windscreen.

Many unfortunate motorists on the receiving end of these projectiles will have just rued their bad luck but there is a procedure to claim indemnity as shared by X (formerly Twitter) user Nuriyliamaley (@nuriyliamalek) who shared her experience of making a successful RM6,000 plus claim for the damaged windscreen of her Mercedes Benz A-class car.

The incident occurred in January this year while on an outstation trip.

Apparently, her attempts at processing a claim with the highway concessionaire PLUS Malaysia Bhd was unsuccessful.

This was when a netizen who seems to be a contractor proffered some very helpful advice. He said that contractors who carry out the grass-cutting are insured and are prepared for cases such as these.

The poster then provided a useful step-by-step guide for other motorists who want to make a similar claim.

She then contacted the contractor in her case and furnished him with photos of where the incident occurred, noting the relevant stretch of highway.

She further stressed that a police report had to be lodged within 24 hours of the incident and even provided the link for submission of report and invoice for repairs.

The poster did say she belatedly got a call from PLUS informing her that she could not make a full claim. Much to her distress, the contractor also called a month later to say the car needed to be fixed at a panel workshop to which she retorted was unreasonable given the time frame.

Certainly, she could not be expected to wait around for a month to get her windscreen mended.

However, she was happy to announce the successful conclusion to the episode with the contractor paying the full sum.

Motorists who suffer similar damage to their vehicles now have an avenue for making claims for indemnity.

Social media can be helpful in this way with the dissemination of information that thousands of motorists would find incredibly useful.

FocusM wishes all road users “Happy motoring”. – May 23, 2024

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