THE country’s small and medium-scale enterprises (SMEs) could grow more rapidly and scale greater heights if they establish cooperation with technology providers and local institutions of higher learning.
Malaysian Technology Development Corporation’s (MTDC) chief executive officer Datuk Norhalim Yunus said the potential of local SMEs could not be harnessed to the maximum without the application of technology in their businesses.
“Many SMEs are uncomfortable or feel unqualified to interact with universities, so this is where the MTDC can play its role in encouraging more cooperation between local SMEs with universities and technology providers.
“Universities conducted various researches on technology that are funded by the government. The outcome of this research needs to be transferred to the SMEs, but this could not be done if all parties do not cooperate with each other,” he said.
Norhalim was met after attending MTDC’s Road2Growth 2020-Northern Region opening ceremony by the Kedah’s exco for Youth and Sports, Tourism, Arts and Culture and Entrepreneurship Development Mohd Asmirul Anuar Aris today.
According to him, there is a lack of knowledge among SMEs about the type of technology that could be applied to expand their businesses.
“For example, if the SMEs produced bread, they can utilise sensors technology in the production of bread. With technology, they could get more accurate data and conduct analysis to increase efficiency in their operations.
“This is the role of MTDC, to tell the SMEs, there is technology to increase their production provided by the technology companies and local universities. This is among the main objective of the Road2Growth programme” he said.
The two-day Road2Growth programme beginning today is an annual platform by MTDC to notify relevant parties especially SMEs about the products and services offered by the agency. – March 7, 2020, Bernama