Much online hilarity as netizens comment on potential grilling over marital status at CNY reunion dinners

AS Chinese families everywhere busy themselves with the all-important Lunar New Year’s Eve reunion dinner, it would appear that certain quarters are approaching the gathering with a sense of trepidation and foreboding.

Yes, those who have yet to tie nuptials inevitably become the target of inquisitions from prying relatives.

Lighthearted posts on the Meanwhile in Malaysia Facebook forum on this phenomenon have elicited no shortage of sympathy and plenty of laugh-out-loud responses.

Here is but a small sample, with many bracing themselves for the grand inquisition that is sure to follow.

One even pointed out that the prying was not limited to marital status.

Some even said they were foregoing the annual festivities just to avoid the interrogations.

There were, of course, some witty suggestions on how to reply.

There were also a few ready volunteers to be “pretend” partners.

In true spirit of muhibah, non-Chinese netizens asked for tips on dealing with the grilling as they, too, would be facing the same “torture” come their festivities, confirming that this phenomenon was not confined to one race.

One netizen’s GIF comment underlined the strength of character required to face the music.

FocusM could not agree more, and with that wishes all celebrating a very Happy Lunar New Year! – Feb 9, 2024


Main photo credit: Freepik

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