MUDA decimated: What is their end game now?

MUDA leader Syed Saddiq Syed Abdul Rahman made a bold move, sending his party on a collision course with the major political forces in the peninsula by contesting mainly in seats where Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim’s coalition had better chances of winning.

Though MUDA did not dent the Pakatan Harapan and Barisan Nasional (PH-BN) coalition, it caused one of their candidates to lose the elections. This has led to a massive onslaught against MUDA and its leader.

On Twitter, @pemikirmsia, who is a pro-PH commentator on the social media network, has this to say about MUDA’s attempt to make it big on the electoral scene.

(MUDA did not receive the support of young voters. MUDA lost their deposit in all the constituencies they contested. MUDA successfully split the votes in Sg Kandis and PH lost one seat in Selangor.

It’s evident that MUDA cannot win without PH’s support. The majority of MUDA members/supporters come from the PH target group. They will not vote for MUDA.

PN supporters will not vote for MUDA. MUDA has failed. I urge MUDA party members to immediately leave this useless party.

Use your God-given brains and drop your entitled attitude. Join PKR / DAP / Amanah and strengthen the youth wings. Drive change from within.)

It is impossible to judge, a day after the election results are out, whether the youth who showed support for MUDA on social media will be disgruntled with Syed or will quit the party to join other stronger forces.

However, one thing is for sure, Saddiq and MUDA are now the punching bags.

It is not that they were getting better treatment after its leader decided to launch a verbal attack against PH and BN on social media. The vibes from the majority of Twitter and Facebook users were against them.

After the elections, the hype surrounding Saddiq is now drowning in heavy criticism from the masses.

A Twitter user posted a picture showing the defeat of a PH candidate by a PN candidate by a slim margin. The reason for the defeat could be the number of votes garnered by the MUDA candidate in this three-way fight.

User @faIiqfahmie wrote: “Congratulations to MUDA for splitting the votes. That seems to be your only function.”

User @mz_hatta wrote:

In his post-election message, Syed said:

His post received mixed messages from followers, with many saying they hoped the party could rebuild from the losses and wished the party was buried for good. – Aug 13, 2023

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