Multi-faith council: Cease using religion as a political weapon, let’s move on

AMID brouhaha over the High Court’s ruling allowing Christians to use the word ‘ALLAH’ in the Bible, the Malaysian Consultative Council of Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, Sikhism and Taoism (MCCBCHST) urged all parties not to use the matter a political weapon to sow discord among Malaysians.

“The Government should just let it be. Let’s abide by the rule of law and respect everyone’s freedom of religion.

“There is no point arguing about this as it will only amplify disharmony in the country,” MCCBCHST vice president Datuk RS Mogan Shan told FocusM.

Three days ago, the High Court delivered a landmark ruling saying that non-Muslims can use the word ALLAH and three other words for teaching purposes, which was earlier forbidden by the Government.

Court of Appeal judge Datuk Nor Bee Ariffin made the ruling after a 13-year long legal battle between the Government and a Christian lady from Sarawak, Jill Ireland.

Nor Bee had described that Home Ministry’s directive to prohibit the use of the four Arabic words by non-Muslims as illegal and irrational.

The other words in contention were Kaabah, solat and Baitullah.

One Creator, various names

Government parties under Muafakat Nasional (MN), Umno and PAS, have voiced reservation over the verdict and voiced support for the matter to be referred to the Court of Appeal.

It is to note that PAS president Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang has mentioned that he has no objection over non-Muslims using the word ALLAH , saying that all Semitic religions of the past have used the word to refer to the Almighty.

Touching on the matter, Mogan Shan said that there is only one God and people of various community use different names to refer to the Almighty.

“We cannot restrict people from calling God using whichever names they want. Just don’t bring religion into the political arena.

“Right now, some quarters are trying to use this a political capital for the upcoming general election. Please, there is no point harping on this,” he stated.

Mogan Shan added: “The learned judge knows what she was doing. The Government should just leave the matter to rest and let harmony prevail.” – March 13, 2021.


Photo credit: Today Online

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