Muslim confectioner profits from CNY demand for her ‘kuih bakul’

EVERYONE is getting into the Chinese New Year (CNY) mood where people from different cultural backgrounds partake in each other’s festivities to make each celebration truly 1Malaysia.

Some though have taken it one step further and used diverse celebrations as a business avenue.

A recent Bernama story highlights this with Muslim kuih bakul maker Nur Farrah Diba Azhar. This enterprising lady is churning out this lunar new year delicacy by the thousands to meet the festive demand.

The story has been widely shared on social media. Here are some comments from the PenangToday Community Facebook site, all of which were overwhelmingly positive.

Some also commended the entrepreneur’s business acumen in making the kuih bakul available all year round instead of just during the festive season.

Muslim netizens were glad to know they could now buy halal kuih bakul.

A fair number also highlighted the unique melting pot culture of Penang.

The enterprising lady’s business looks set for a further boost as many netizens have asked for the location of her shop.

FocusM wishes Nur Farrah all the very best of success and a very ‘Happy Lunar New Year’ to all Malaysians.

This is how we should be – learning and borrowing from each other to create a rich tapestry of cultural diversity where all Malaysians can profit together. – Feb 8, 2024

Main pic credit: PenangToday Community Facebook

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