A COALITTION of Muslim non-governmental organisations (NGOs) in Selangor and Negeri Sembilan has urged leaders of Malay Muslim political parties to be open-minded enough to accept the agenda of unifying the ummah (Muslim solidarity) for the benefit of religion, the Malay race and nation.
After all, the outcome of Saturday’s (Aug 12) six state polls reflects the people’s desire in wanting to realise the unification of Malays and Muslims in the country, according to Gerakan Pembela Ummah (UMMAH) chairman Mohd Zai Mustafa.
Towards this end, the Muslim NGOs collation has proposed to establish a Malay Muslim government without DAP.
This, according to UMMAH, is justifiable considering that Malay-Muslim state assemblymen form the majority of Saturday’s (Aug 12) state polls winners regardless of whether they are from UMNO, PAS, Bersatu, Amanah or PKR.
“That’s why political leaders, whether they are from UMNO or Perikatan Nasional (PN), need to be open minded enough (to unite) to defend the interests of religion, Malay race and nation … the issue of Malay Muslim interests must be defended regardless of political party,” Mohd Zai told a media conference in Bangi yesterday (Aug 14).
“As such, we want to propose that they determine carefully a Menteri Besar (MB) and state EXCO line-up who can defend these rights … actually a (state) government without DAP.”
According to Zai, the ummah unification agenda can be implemented without DAP because political parties with Malay leadership will certainly not sideline Islam and would want the religion to be defended at all costs.
He claimed “there have been many instances in which DAP has oppressed the Malay Muslims” in Selangor and Negri Sembilan.
More broadly, Mohd Zai stressed that this ummah unification agenda can also be implemented at the federal level because many Malay leaders at the parliamentary level are composed of Malay and Muslim representatives.
He further noted that Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim need not bow to DAP because “the existing strength of Malay leaders is enough to eliminate the party’.
“Actually, if the leader has the political will to love his race and religion as in the case of Anwar who is a Malay Muslim PM, why must he have so much affection for DAP? There are enough Malay Muslim MPs around (to back him),” asserted Mohd Zai.
“(Datuk Seri) Amirudin Shari (Selangor MB) can call these Malay Muslim leaders to discuss who can become MB, state EXCO and so on. Why do you love DAP so much if you are a leader with a big heart?” – Aug 15, 2023