NCCIM tells businesses, people to comply with conditional MCO rules

THE National Chamber of Commerce and Industry Malaysia (NCCIM) has called upon businesses and the people to comply with the conditions and standard operating procedure that underpin the restart of the nation’s economic machinery during the conditional movement control order (CMCO).

“The need for extra caution on compliance is strongly emphasised as we do not want the restart of the economy to be compromised with the emergence of another wave of Covid-19 infections.

“We also call upon everyone to work closely with the Government to overcome teething problems that may arise,” its president, Tan Sri Ter Leong Yap said in a statement.

He said the MCO relaxation announcement was a big relief and welcomed by businesses and the people.

The CMCO gets the economic machinery of the nation to be up and running, as it grants almost all economic sectors and business activities to resume operations, but subjected to strict conditions and standard operating procedure to manage the health risks, he said.

He said the chamber supports the decision that it cannot be an “across the board relaxation” as there are businesses that involve the presence of a lot of people where body contact and social distancing will be difficult to exercise.

“Thus, a decision to put these industries on hold is still a necessity in managing the health risks,” he said.

The chamber also welcomes the Government’s decision to disallow inter-state travel  including returning to hometowns for the Aidilfitri festival and all religious activities, as well as taking part in sports and recreational activities involving large gatherings, he said.

“NCCIM lauds the tough decision taken by the Government to strike the optimum balance to ensure that the economic and health risks amid the COVID-19 outbreak are properly addressed and managed in the best interest of the nation, businesses and people,” he said. – May 2, 2020, Bernama



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