Netizen: “I almost shed tears listening to Anthony Loke’s patriotic remarks”

DAP’s secretary-general Anthony Loke Siew Fook might not find himself in the good books of staunch DAP members/supporters for his over-compromising stance in terms of Prime Minister (PM) Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim’s Cabinet composition but he has surely won the heart of Twitter user Ainur Rabiatuadawiyah.

She joined many young pro-Pakatan Harapan (PH) netizens who have come out to express support for Anwar’s unity government but was specifically touched to the core by the Seremban MP’s gesture of “willing to sacrifice everything to help Anwar Ibrahim succeed as Malaysia’s 10th PM.

In a media conference yesterday (Dec 3), Loke reiterated that DAP has rendered undivided support to PH chairman Anwar Ibrahim to become PM unconditionally and without setting any expectation in terms of number of Cabinet positions.

He added that DAP was even willing to sacrifice itself if it were to pose a “stumbling block” to the formation of an Anwar-led government.

So full of respect for Loke that Ainur Rabiatuadawiyah went on to defend her teary emotion when another netizen teased her that while Loke was among the performing ministers in the previous PH government, she need not be overwhelmed by emotions.

“Why are you bitter? He said in the DAP media conference earlier that DAP will support Anwar unconditionally, ie they are OK to get only four ministerial posts despite having 40 MPs. Then he said what I tweeted and much more.”

Beyond Ainur Rabiatuadawiyah, Loke seems to have also won admiration from few other female fans with ZueAb impressed with his ability to deliver his speech “without a speech, fluent and very firm (in expressing his stance)”.

Elsewhere, Loke also ranked highly in the list of Pemikir Malaysia’s list of PH heroes who have helped Anwar save Malaysia from extremists.


JOKER also has full of praises for Loke who has made the electorate in his Seremban parliamentary constituency proud: – Dec 4, 2022



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