Netizens aghast at Sabah restaurant’s exorbitant pricing for a single piece of sotong

AS the saying goes, “don’t eat with your eyes”. As appealing as a dish may look, it is always best to ask before gorging on said item.

Diner Husin TJ Abdullah found out to his cost when he was charged a whopping RM50 for a solitary piece of squid at a restaurant in Kota Kinabalu, Sabah.

Venting his anger on Facebook, the poster warned other potential patrons of the restaurant’s unscrupulous pricing which he claimed is designed to “empty customers’ pockets”.

His post has since gone viral and prompted the Sabah Domestic Trade and Cost of Living enforcement unit to pay the restaurant a visit. The operator has been advised to clearly state the prices to avoid confusion and has been asked to provide justification for exorbitant pricing.

In the meantime, netizens were quick to show their dissatisfaction at what they perceived to be crooked practices:

But amidst all the fury and sense of injustice, one netizen did pose a pertinent question:

While the restauranteur may be guilty of overcharging, it is always best to ask before ordering. No shame in that. This is certainly preferable to being fleeced!

Interestingly, Mekar restaurant owner  Noeylz Hashim has come forward today (Dec 21) to clarify that the selling price for the sweet squid has been clearly displayed which is from RM20/piece to RM100/piece.

“The price of raw sweet squid ranges from RM38 and above per kg. The quantity of squid per kilogram is only around two to three pieces,” explained Noeylz in a Facebook post.

“The accusation that we don’t display prices is pure slander. Customers are not forced to take side dishes that are beyond their means because there are many other side dishes to choose from.” – Dec 21, 2023

Main pic credit: Husin TJ Abdullah’s Facebook

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