Netizens applaud quality of cinematography, use of BM between brawlers of different races

ANOTHER day, another clip of a brawl goes viral in Malaysia.

Fresh from the video of a brawl between two men in a nasi kandar shop, another clip of an altercation in a sundry shop has gone viral amassing 10.3 mil views at time of writing.

Originally posted on X (formerly known as Twitter) by user Ian (@IANZAINAL), the video shows two men engaged (believed to be a customer and the shop owner) in heated fisticuffs inside a kedai runcit.


There is no explanation as to what sparked off the brawl but many were taken by surprise when the diminutive Chinese shopkeeper beat his thuggish-looking Indian opponent to the ground.

Not content at being beaten senseless, the customer picks himself off the ground and ambushes the shopkeeper with a blow from behind with a helmet. Unfortunately for him, it was the wrong move as the shopkeeper retaliates with a series of blows and kicks that left the assailant passed out on the ground.

The main thing that seems to have caught the eyes of many netizens was the almost professional-quality recording of the incident.

Some joked that the video was taken from the POV (point of view) of the cat comfortably seated on the shop counter.

More than a few also noted how useful it is to have Bahasa Malaysia as a lingua franca when a brawl breaks out between people of different races. One even remarked how very ‘1Malaysia’ the video was.

One netizen cheekily suggested that customers would probably be able to find guide books on ancient martial arts techniques at the sundry shop.

The video has been shared by many social media users and one (unverified) comment does seem to shed some light on the Chinese shopkeeper’s fighting skills. If true, talk about picking a fight with the wrong person.

This latest video highlights a few pertinent issues.

Firstly, never judge a book by its cover. As the Chinese shopkeeper can be heard saying in the video, the customer underestimated him due to his diminutive stature.

Secondly, as has been repeatedly pointed out in these pages, with handphones always ready to record any incident, hot-headed brawlers need to realise videos going viral make it very easy for the cops to identify, arrest and charge perpetrators.

Thirdly, these two latest videos involving samseng­-looking Indian assailants do little to dispel the stereotypical image of them belonging to the criminal underclass.

Last but not least, these clips underline the importance of having a common language to help Malaysians understand each other better, even if it is in a street brawl. – June 7, 2024


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