Netizens harp on Najib for his alleged fear of Rosmah

JAILED former premier Datuk Seri Najib Razak is tasting another bitter pill from behind bars with his witty comment on the X platform regarding the targeted diesel subsidy.

He posted a video dated 2017 that shows Economy Minister Rafizi Ramli, then in the opposition, campaigning against plans for subsidy removal while Najib was still prime minister.

He captioned the video, “Rindu zaman berguling-guling tuntut kembalikan subsidi.”

Perhaps Najib did not expect the backlash since he posted the video yesterday (June 15). It attracted 844,000 views with tons of comments and 1000 retweets.

From pro-PH backers on the X platform asking him to now roll on the streets in protest against the diesel subsidy removal to those who are telling him that he is in jail and should go eat maggie instead, the comments are very negative.

A well-known X user, @SyedAkramin told Najib that it is enough with him who is afraid of his wife and now wants to show off.

A user uploaded a cartoon with the caption “Can I advise you”, recalling a leaked audio purportedly from the wife of Najib, Rosmah Mansor.

Some voices are attacking PH and Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim for his past promises to reduce toll prices, fuel prices, and so on. Promises that were never delivered since PH took power. – June 16, 2024

Main photo credit: Utusan

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