A NETIZEN’S query on the Meanwhile in Malaysia Facebook Forum site perfectly encapsulates what it means to be Malaysian.
The poster introduced himself as a contractor undertaking renovation works on behalf of a Malay homeowner and would like to know the correct manner to remove a Chinese shrine/altar that was left behind on the premises by its previous owner.
Given the constant ‘us vs them’ narrative being spewed by politicians s as well as by cybertroopers on social media, it is very heartening to see such a respectful attitude towards another’s cultural beliefs and traditions.
The poster’s enquiry was met with a flurry of suggestions, prompting the site administrator to succinctly comment for once that everyone was on the same page and not keen on raising 3R issues.
Others also praised the poster for taking the time and initiative to actually ask for advice. One netizen reckoned that the Meanwhile in Malaysia forum was the right place for such enquiries as he may be inviting abuse if posted elsewhere.
Many advised that the poster consult with nearest Chinese temple on the proper SOP.
One poster hit the nail on the head when she observed that this was proof that Malaysians were a respectful lot and were happy to live in harmony. Her sentiments were echoed by many others who believe that this simple enquiry truly highlight the spirit of 1Malaysia.
Malaysia is uniquely rich in customs, traditions and folklore of differing origins. The common denominator is that they are practised and observed by Malaysians. That alone should be enough to warrant a respectful attitude. – Jan 30, 2024
Main pic credit: Taman Pekatrah Thaneer Panthal Facebook