THE photo of former Penang chief minister Lim Guan Eng quenching his thirst with a glass of sugar cane water at a roadside stall has prompted netizens to wonder if the Bagan MP is indeed thirsty or he is subtly conveying that the heat of the upcoming state election is getting the better of him.
At a glance, the former finance minister seems to have put up a non-political Facebook post judging from his caption “Penang is so hot!!! Drink more water everyone! Drink sugar cane also boleh (can). Hehe”.
Interestingly, the simple post of the DAP chairman sipping a glass of sugar cane water attracted 4,700 likes, 266 comments and 38 shares at the time of writing with netizens Pauline Chew and Andrew Yong reminding Guan Eng to control his consumption of sugar cane water.
“Too much not good… lots of sugar,” cautioned Chew with David Tih Seong Pin suggested that Guan Eng should resort to “plain water or Chinese tea” the better beverage option while Cheong Kwok Wing opined that the sugar content in sugarcane water “will make you more thirty”.
While Lim Kooi Gim lamented that “sugar cane water is very expensive these days” Tekkuang Ding praised Guan Eng for being a “people’s YB” who still “walks and eats at roadside stalls” unlike representatives of the previous government who only dined at expensive outlets.
But Guan Eng’s sugar cane water drinking post eventually turned political when netizen Santhanasingu Santana suggested coconut water as a better option to cool down amid Penang’s scorching heat with Hao Zhi Chin seconding as coconut water has lesser sugar content.
This is when Shahkim Adnan and Hazwan Wann reminded Guan Eng that sugarcane are grown in Kedah while Albert Liew mooted the idea of Penang “importing more coconuts from Kedah”.
Kesavan Ratnakuma then teased Guan Eng that “(Kedah Menteri Besar Datuk Seri Muhammad Sanusi Mdd Nor) is watching” while Lingkesvaran Maniam added: “If Penang is so hot, give it to Sanusi 😂😂😂 He will calm it …”
Netizen Lan wondered if Guan Eng has to resort to drinking lots of sugar cane water “to cool down your brain” because “the Penang belongs to Kedah issue makes you hot”.
Asked netizen Mohammad Syed Basri: “YB Lim Guan Eng when can take action on Kedah Menteri Besar?? Can use ISA (Internal Security Act) to put him jail? Very dangerous guy and toxic … will destroy racial harmony in Malaysia.”
Elsewhere Isaac Icg reminded Guan Eng to take good care of himself in anticipation of the “fierce upcoming state elections” while Wan Padii took a jibe at Guan Eng with his notion of “Pulau Pinang Darul Aman. Don’t worry. Kedah state still under Malaysia”.
Whatever the case is, perhaps Guan Eng should heed the advice of Peter Chang: “YB used to take unhealthy food and sweet tooth, high carbohydrates meals and super sweet … hopefully is not the sign of pre-diabetes (getting thirsty easily) … take care as you are not that young anymore. Going for annual health screening is mandatory.” – June 7, 2023