Newcastle University Medicine Malaysia carving a niche with impactful education in the ASEAN region

QUALITY education prepares ASEAN’s human resources to be resilient, competitive, and equipped to navigate an ever-changing future. Beyond its socio-economic impact, education has the potential to elevate ASEAN awareness and cultivate a shared regional identity.

In this context, Newcastle University Medicine Malaysia (NUMed) and its sister campus, Newcastle University in Singapore (NUiS), are extending the presence of Newcastle University, UK, in the ASEAN region.

Through collaborative programmes, research initiatives and a commitment to cross-cultural exchange, the three campuses embody the ideals of inclusive and quality education.

“Our collaborative programmes exemplify our commitment to addressing local socioeconomic challenges while fostering innovation and talent development,” enthused Newcastle University’s regional provost & group CEO (ASEAN) Prof Dennis Wong.

“Through initiatives like our Data Innovation Bootcamp and Water Security Hub project, we bring together students, researchers and industry partners to tackle real-world problems while driving positive change in Malaysia, ASEAN and the world.”

Prof Dennis Wong

Evolving higher education landscape

The higher education landscape in ASEAN is evolving rapidly, characterised by a growing demand for quality education, increasing internationalisation and an emphasis on innovation and research.

In this regard, Wong said that there is a strong focus on equipping students with skills relevant to the global economy while simultaneously addressing local socio-economic challenges.

“Most ASEAN nations now boast matured public university systems alongside an array of private higher education institutions within their respective regimes. Notably, several top universities in Malaysia and Singapore consistently rank among the top 100 universities in various league tables,” he observed.

“With two campuses in ASEAN, Newcastle University is a pioneer in transnational education (TNE) globally. With over a decade of experience operating in the region, it is now poised to play a pivotal role in connecting business and industry partners between the UK and ASEAN.”

Newcastle University’s strong presence in the ASEAN region is crucial for several reasons. This not only allows the tertiary education institution to thrive but also contribute to the region’s development by offering world-class education and research opportunities.

“Moreover, it provides a platform for cross-cultural exchange and collaboration, fostering greater understanding and cooperation between the UK and ASEAN,” Wong pointed out.

As an international branch campus of Newcastle University, UK, NUMed plays an important role in fostering greater collaboration between the UK and ASEAN region

“Lastly, it opens up avenues for joint initiatives in addressing societal and environmental challenges, aligning with our commitment to social and environmental justice.”

Inevitably. there are unique challenges encountered in navigating diverse regulatory and cultural landscapes across ASEAN countries.

“Each country has its policies and practices regarding higher education, requiring tailored approaches for effective engagement,” revealed Wong.

“Overcoming this challenge involved establishing strong partnerships with local stakeholders, maintaining open communication channels, and demonstrating our commitment to local priorities and values.”

Functioning as global university

Operating in the ASEAN region as a global university with a strong UK heritage presents unique opportunities and challenges. Cultural nuances, educational systems, and student expectations vary significantly.

“We leverage our strengths in academic excellence, research prowess and commitment to social responsibility to enrich the student experience, drive impactful research and contribute to community development in Malaysia, Singapore and beyond,” shared Wong.

NUMed is renowned for its high-quality medical and biomedical science programmes

Looking ahead, Wong’s long-term goals include further strengthening academic and research partnerships in the ASEAN region, expanding the academic portfolio to address emerging needs, and deepening engagement with local communities.

His aim for NUMed is for the higher learning institution to be a trusted partner in advancing education, research and sustainable development across ASEAN while serving as a springboard for delivering its commitment to social and environmental issues in the region.

Located in Johor, NUMed presently offers a pre-undergraduate programme – Foundation in Biological and Biomedical Sciences – and three undergraduate programmes: Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery (MBBS) and BSc (Hons) Biomedical Sciences (BMS).

More details can be obtained by e-mailing [email protected], call 07-555 3800, WhatsApp 011-1231 5411/012-7849456 or visit – June 14, 2024

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