NGO grouping wants Steven Sim taken to task for HRD Corp’s financial irregularities

A GROUPING of 19 Malaysian NGOs wants both the Human Resources and Finance Ministers to be held accountable for breaches/irregularities in the Human Resource Development Corp (HRD) Corp accounts as exposed by the Auditor-General’s (A-G) Report 2/2024 and by the Parliament’s Public Accounts Committee (PAC).

This is because the Pembangunan Sumber Manusia Bhd (PSMB) Act 2001 specifies that the minister appoints the officer-in-charge and other authorised officers responsible for ensuring that HRD Corp operates in accordance with the law.

“While a normal company can act as its shareholders’ please, a statutory body like HRD Corp must strictly adhere to the PSMB Act 2001,” contended Charles Hector and Ng Yap Hwa who are spokesmen for the grouping of 19 NGOs.

“It is disconcerting that these issues were not highlighted by the HR Minister (Steven Sim Chee Keong) but by the A-G and the PAC.”

Worse, still, the NGO grouping pointed out that despite the A-G and PAC findings, Sim and HRD Corp “are disputing the results and suggesting an independent audit.”

“The findings of the A-G and PAC, however, should take precedence unless officially revised,” lamented the NGO grouping which comprised among others, ALIRAN, Malaysians Against Death Penalty and Torture (MADPET), Malaysian Action for Justice and Unity (MAJU), Parti Rakyat Malaysia and the KL and Selangor Chinese Assembly Hall (KLSCAH) Youth.

“Despite these serious issues, there has been no suspension or removal of the CEO, board members or investment panel members of HRD Corp. Their continued presence poses a risk of evidence tampering or destruction.”

Earlier, the NGO grouping has lambasted the HRD Corp for threatening legal action against financial portal The Edge Communications and one of its writers for alleged defamation in two published articles entitled “PAC Flags Dubious Property Deals by HRD Corp,” and “Frankly Speaking: Total Breach of Governance at HRD Corp”.

“This action can reasonably be considered a SLAPP (strategic lawsuit against public participation) which aims to intimidate the media and deter them from fulfilling their duty of reporting on issues of public concern,” asserted the NGO grouping.

“It also serves as an attempt to stifle public participation and discussion on a matter of national interest affecting all Malaysians.”

However, the said letter of demand was retracted barely 24 hours later at the instruction of Sim with PA chairwoman Datuk Mas Ermieyati Samsudin, having expressed shock over HRD Corp’s action to o obstruct The Edge’s role as media practitioner and potentially undermine the PAC’s credibility. – July 20, 2024

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