DATIN Nooryana Najwa Najib, the daughter of incarcerated ex-premier Datuk Seri Najib Razak, was trolled across the X (formerly Twitter) platform following her appointment yesterday (Oct 16) to the board of Malaysia External Trade Development Corporation (MATRADE), an agency under the Ministry of International Trade and Industry (MITI).
In fact, truth be told, her disrepute did not stop at her family’s reputation, her own qualification and elements of cronyism/nepotism but extends across the entire command chain of the Madani government (especially MITI), the Inland Revenue Board (IRB) and UMNO, to name a few ‘favourite netizens’ targets’.
This is despite the UMNO Puteri wing EXCO having cleared her name as a tax evader to the tune of RM10.3 mil which tops the list of reasons mooted by netizens to run her down. The Inland Revenue Board (IRB) had on Oct 5, 2022 withdrew its appeal filed at the Court of Appeal over a suit filed to recover unpaid income tax from her.
To recap, the IRB had earlier appealed to the appellant court against the Aug 26, 2020 decision of the Shah Alam High Court in dismissing its application to obtain a summary judgment against Nooryana to recover RM10.3 mil in unpaid income tax.
This came about after the then Pakatan Harapan (PH) administration had on July 24, 2019 filed a writ of summons through IRB in the High Court naming Nooryana as the defendant.
“Apart from being ‘Najib’s child’, what are the qualifications of this Minah (slang for a Malay lass)?” screamed social media influencer Afiq 𝕏 (@A_Hxrrxz) on the X platform.
Selain daripada “Anak Najib”, apa kelayakan minah ni? Dah berapa lama berkecimpung dalam arena export produk Malaysia? Keturunan perompak negara tak patut diberi apa-apa jawatan dalam agensi kerajaan. Reformasi apa macam ni? Pelik aku tengok cara reformasi korang ni. https://t.co/Sa5j1EIpgu
— Afiq 𝕏 (@A_Hxrrxz) October 16, 2024
“How long have you been in the Malaysian product export arena? Descendants of national robbers should not be given any position in government agencies. What kind of reform is this (hitting out at the Madani government)? It’s strange for me to see your reformation method.”
Added lady netizen Garchuu~ 😘(@KyaryHime): “Embarrassing. Nauseating. So sad. Disappointing. You guys really take the people’s signal in GE14 (14th General Election), GE15 very lightly.”
Memalukan. Memualkan. Menyedihkan. Mengecewakan.
You guys really take the rakyat’s signal in GE14, GE15 very lightly. https://t.co/3cNENl8cC8
— Garchuu~ 😘 (@KyaryHime) October 16, 2024
“Once again PROVEN that as long as there is UMNO, Malaysia will be doomed 😁,” another lady netizen Dr MasIinda Si Derhaka 🇲🇾 (@DrMasIindaSis) hit out on the X platform.
Sekali lagi TERBUKTI, selagi ada UMNO, selagi itulah Malaysia akan jahanam 😁 https://t.co/haHWoDrpxc pic.twitter.com/9nTDZXB70c
— Dr MasIinda Si Derhaka 🇲🇾 (@DrMasIindaSis) October 16, 2024
And saving the best criticism for the last, even staunch Madani government backer JOKER🔺(@tjerealjoker) was unable to refrain himself from ticking off the government of the day/MITI for Nooryana’s appointment to the MATRADE board.
Anak Najib jadi Director kat Matrade⁉️
Dah takde orang lain dah ke kat Malaysia nih 🤦 pic.twitter.com/qqyHV8jEF2
— JOKER🔺️ (@tjerealjoker) October 16, 2024
There are certainly few noteworthy comments left behind by followers of JOKER🔺that should be taken to heart by those instrumental of appointing Nooryana: – Oct 17, 2024