On-site schools provide new lifestyle option

CELINE was running late for an important meeting. Traffic during the morning school runs were nothing short of murderous and were even worse during the afternoon pick up times.

It was getting extremely infuriating and was beginning to affect Celine’s productivity at work with the school runs draining her of energy even before she starts her day.

Arriving slightly late for her appointment with the client, Celine apologised profusely citing the terrible traffic jams on route to her two young children’s school. Luckily, the client was completely understanding saying that she, too, had been similarly stuck in traffic and had just arrived.

The client took the time to say that her similarly-problematic school run had prompted her family’s decision to purchase a Harvard Suite at edusentral in Setia Alam.

“The daily headache of rushing the kids to school and then trying to get to work on time made us look at alternate solutions,” she explained.

“When we found out that the edusentral development had two on site schools we were practically sold on the idea.

“Can you imagine how liberating it would be to have your kids walk to school every day? I can’t wait to get the keys to my unit when it is completed in two years’ time!”

Celine’s interest was certainly piqued and decided to share this with her husband and kids. A quick search online revealed that edusentral was part of HCK Capital Group’s education cities, which featured education elements anchoring the developments.

At edusentral, residents will have the option of having their children walk to either the Peninsula International School Australia (Malaysia Campus) or Peninsula Private School.

The former offers the prestigious Victoria syllabus, allowing students to transfer to the Australian campus at any stage of their education.

The latter, meanwhile, offers the domestic curriculum which prompted Celine and her husband to seriously consider checking out the development, as both their children were in national-type schools.

“With both schools on site, we could even consider sending the kids to the international school once they complete primary education,” said Celine to her husband.

Celine’s entire family made an appointment to visit the sales gallery located at L39 of HCK Tower the following weekend.

Having an actual size show unit with AR and VR applications also allowed them to fully visualise what their future home could look like.

They even took a virtual walk to the schools to see just how close they were and confirm that it was safe for their young kids to do so. Given that edusentral is a gated community with 24-hour security also assured Celine and her husband of the viability of their plan.

The children’s enthusiasm for extra sleep time instead of early wake-up calls to beat traffic also prompted Celine and her husband to sign a booking form. Celine was soon on the phone to thank her client for the recommendation, adding that they would soon be neighbours.

For more information on the Harvard Suites, visit https://www.edusentral.net/. – Sept 29, 2023

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